Random Ruger Mkiii 22/45 rust, anyone else have this problem?


New member
Hey all this is my first post here but ive been lurking for a while haha.

I took my Mkiii 22/45 out of the closet to give it a good oiling this week. I field stripped it and when wiping the inside of the rear part of the upper (where the rear 2" of bolt would sit when closed) my rag came out rusty.

I store it in its plastic case in my closet, with either a nice coating of CLP or pretty wet with oil, and i leave the case cracked open all the time. I haven't fired the gun in a while and cleaned and oiled it the last time i did shoot it, so im not really sure how there could have been rust in there.

I used CLP and just wiped it out until the rag came back clean, i looked after i had cleaned it out and didn't see any pitting or anything, and the rust came out really easily almost like it was just powder on the surface.

Has anyone else had this happen?
If there is no pitting is the rust still likely to come back in that area?

Thanks for any info in advance


New member
Does Ruger use anything like the Glock copper-colored lubricant stuff out of the factory? That may be what you're seeing, which would look like powder as you describe, in which case there's no harm.

Can you get a pic of the area in question? Might be hard to get to, but then a good macro shot may help you better see what's in there. In any case, sounds like you take care of it so I wouldn't worry unless it comes back.


Also, do you remember what you shot last? I know when I shot, e.g. Remington goldenwhatevers, they sometimes left copper/gold-colored residue.


New member
I dont think it could be anything from the factory as it has around 2500 rounds through it and has been field stripped and cleaned atleast 10 times since i bought it

I think i was last using cci blazers but i could have used federal, winchester, or rem bulk as well, my friends bring their .22's and their own ammo and we kind of just pass our guns and ammo around

I don't have a camera at the moment but i'll get a pic taken tomorrow and post it up


New member
I suspect what you're seeing isn't rust, but the oil Ruger ships their guns packed in. That stuff will seap out for a long time unless you used something like Gunscrubber or brake cleaner. CLP's and other oils just dilute it and let it weap out more.

(If you use "Gunscrubber" on a 22/45 make sure it's the "ploymer safe" version. I wouldn't use brake cleaner at all.)
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New member
CajunBass ok thank you i didnt realize it would seap out for so long, i think i will just quit worrying about it and use CLP or hoppes until its all out

Walt Sherrill

New member
If it turns out what you saw was rust -- probably wasn't -- you should understand that storing in a plastic bag can keep moisture out, but can also lock moisture in, if the air is humid when you close the bag.

Getting some of the little "stay dry" (dessicant) packs to go into the plastic bags also makes sense. You can buy them from some gun shops, and you'll often get them free, as they often come in packages when you receive gun/electronics gear from an online store.)