Random - Cold war story I would like to track down

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I remember a few years ago that my dad had told me this awesome story. Supposedly some documents had been declassified after the cold war. In these documents was a story that was pretty funny. Apparently a German tank unit was conducting an exercise near the French border. They became lost and wandered into or close to French territory. The French troops looked out and saw German tanks coming their way. Supposedly the French came out and surrendered and the Germans had to explain that they were just lost. I have been looking all over for proof of this on the internet. Can anyone help? It would be awesome if it turned out to be true.

Te Anau

New member
The French troops looked out and saw German tanks coming their way. Supposedly the French came out and surrendered and the Germans had to explain that they were just lost.
Those crazy WIMPY French!
I have also heard it, although it was not from a reliable source and I have heard no mention of it in any legitimate source. Whatever happened to the guy who's first post was something about he was joining the French foreigh legion and it was the most elite unit in the world yadda yadda yadda?


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My father has never told a lie in his life, and he read this story in a magazine. He just emailed me two of the possible magazines, a vague area of time it could ave been published in, and the area the incident occurred. I will hunt some more for it and let u guys know what i find.


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I thought it was the fireworks the set off when Eurodisney opened that caused an entire French airbase to show up and surrender to Micky Mouse and Pluto. :D


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How is looking for an article considered French bashing? I was curious to read what had occurred. How is trying to find information on an event a lack of awareness of history?


New member
Why do you think its "funny"?

Why do you think its "awesome"?

Why do you think its even remotely true?

If you can answer any of those without bashing the French, or playing into some preconceived notion of them as cheese-eating surrender monkeys, then maybe the innocent search for an article has some validity. The remaining posts show the nature of the thread and the meme.

Regardless, there are better places to search for this than here.
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I don't think this is all that abnormal in the days before a war starts. It still happens today. I believe some Iraqi soldiers tried to surrender before we invaded Iraq and were told to go home. They were probably shot.
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