Randall questions


New member
I will soon aquire a Randall service model A111 .45 5" barrel...I really like this pistol and fully intend to shoot it lots...Can any of you Randall owners comment on the accuracy and reliability of this pistol..What stock recoil spring does it take?....Does anyone use it as a carry gun?...Does it handle JHP's??...I appreciate any info...This is my first full size 1911 type...


New member
Don't own a Randall, but shot a few way back when.

The spring is 16#

Generally speaking they fed hollowpoints ok, but the only way to know is to try them in your gun. Accuracy was about the same as a stock gun.

"The Blue Book" states that 3421 A111 pistols were made. It is the most common of all their variations.

Since there seems to be some collector interest in them, my suggestion would be to keep the pistol in original condition to preserve its value. Shooting is fine with reasonable care.