Rampant Colt


New member
got this from a web site that was talking about Colt's emblem.....

The Story of the Rampant Colt
Here’s a fascinating story behind the Rampant Colt. Look closely and you see that the colt carries a spear in its mouth. In heraldry, a horse signifies readiness to serve the monarch. The broken spear signifies a warrior slain in battle. By carrying the spear, this warhorse is continuing the fight for his fallen rider. It's a fitting symbol, considering the indomitable spirit of inventor and entrepreneur Samuel Colt!

Blue Heeler

Horse symbols - Just as a matter of interest concerning horse statues (and riders). I have always understood that a statue of a horse and rider where the horse's front legs are raised means that the rider died in battle - one leg meant the rider was wounded and died later. All feet on the ground means the rider didn't die. I don't know if this is true or just a myth.


New member
There was an article either on snopes.com or straightdope.com on that very subject, Blue. I'd go dig it out for you, but times are tough in the world of dialup, especially when you share it with someone else and are trying to put together an important order in an alternate window.

But hey, both those sites are great reads and timekillers, anyway. Just pretend I'm doing my part to expand your horizons. :)

Blue Heeler

Thank you Foxy - I regret my slackness and inefficency for not looking it up myself. As the writer observes ' some sculptors may not have been aware of the significance of the positions of the hooves' (or something like that). Perhaps someone knew how to do it right once but the knowledge was lost? Wouldn't be the first time it happened. The way that history is being re-written today to suit 'politically appropriate' ideas gets right up my nose - But who cares - When I die it won't matter a damn.


New member
I worked with a guy at the P.D. range who had the Rampant Colt tattoed on his arm. He also thought he was Elvis Presley. :rolleyes: He knew his Colts though. :)


New member
gfen, I hope you didn't get the impression that I was implying that you were lazy. I remember how agonizingly slow 56k is, and snopes, in particular, always seemed slow (especially thanks to the popups there). Just wanted to do you a favor!


New member
Insintuating? Doesn't matter if you were, its one of the guiding principles of my life, to pretend otherwise wouldn't be true to my lazy self.
