Ralph Nader and the Green Party


New member
Want a good laugh and then something to think about that will scare the hell out of you? Go to http://www.greenparty.org/ and read the party platform. No wonder Big Labor likes this loonie. Some things in there might work but most of it is pure pie in the sky folly.

Munro Williams

New member
I asked him a question on the Diane Rehm Show about the philosophy behind the Declaration, the relationship of the Declaration to the Constitution, and the supremacy of the Constitution, and all he could do was talk about the influence of big business on the press.

Nader's a dangerous half-wit, and the Greens are no better than the Nazi Party.


New member
Of course, should you encounter a screaming liberal that you can't reason with, you can at least convince them of Nader's wonderful qualities and persuade them to vote the Green Party. Gore's people are already worried about Nader in California.

Want to send Bush a message? Sign the petition at http://www.petitiononline.com/monk/petition.html and forward the link to as many gun owners as you can.

Hard Ball

New member
Encourage all the liberals you know to vote for Nader. 95% of all votes for him will be from people who would otherwise vote for Gore.

David Roberson

New member
Maybe even more than that, Hard Ball. Stories in the leading Democratic newsletter, the New York Times, make it clear that Nader and the Green Nazis are putting a real scare into the Gore camp. And Nader addressed this point neatly in a letter printed in the Times yesterday, in which he responded to an anti-Nader/pro-Gore editorial:

"Is Gore's candidacy so fragile that it should be insulated from callenges by third-party candidates, as you suggest? If my candidacy as the Green Party's nominee for president subtracts more from Mr. Gore, it is because the Democratic Party under this administration has become little more than a corporate shadow of its former self."

Hmm. That last point might be something to consider for Republican whiners on this forum who lament support for the Libertarians. If you want those votes, do something to get them.

But with the Greens strongest in California, which by all accounts is a must-win state for The Evil Al Gore, it's looking more and more like minor parties may have a major impact this time around.

Jack 99

New member
I think Nader is a funny guy with a very bizzare world-view. He also doesn't like comments about how he flies coach as a Prez candidate (found that one out personally) Perfect fit for California types. Hopefully he can take some of Gore's votes though.

glock glockler

New member
These Greens are cracked, I love them. The possibility of the scores of idiots taking votes from Gore and pressureing him to the extreme left is one that brings a smile to my face. I think a campaign donation is in order.

Yes, lets get our people to support this nutjob and have him dropkick Gore. Who's with me, lets get ths ball rolling on this one...


New member
I had an encounter with a tree-hugger/Naderite on Independence Day on the Esplanade in Boston. He was soliciting signatures to get Nader on the Ballot there.

He asked my wife and I if we were registered to vote in MA. I told him no, but still asked him what the petition was about (even though I knew, because it was plastered all over the sandwich board he was wearing.)

He said they were trying to get Nader on the Ballot. I said "well, we certainly don't want that." He asked why. I asked "Does Mr. Nader support strengthening federal environmental laws?" He answered yes. I asked "So what part of the U.S. Constitution does Mr. Nader think specifically authorizes any federal power in the area of environmental law?"

He paused, said something like "Well, Mr. Nader is a very sharp lawyer . . . . uh . . . not here, not now . . ." and proceeded on his way.

I have to admit that I spied him far off and was lying in wait, with my little question all prepared. It was the perfect trap, and it worked. I received a few compliments from the crowd after I drove him off. It felt good.

"Anyone feel like saluting the flag which the strutting ATF and FBI gleefully raised over the smoldering crematorium of Waco, back in April of ‘93?" -Vin Suprynowicz