Rainier Ballistics


New member
I used to use Rainier for my 9 mm. and checked the other day and it seems that all show out of stock. Are they out of business, sure sounds like it. Thanks :mad:


New member
That's a shame, I really liked their bullets. What is the next best option for plated bullets.
Berry's is most popular. I've only tried one other brand (National Bullet Co) and those were a terrible plating job and they are out of business now, anyway.


New member
Berrys makes an excellent product, especially their heavy plated versions. I mostly buy Extreme though, better price and excellent performance. I use Berrys heavy plate for magnum rounds and in my carbines because they handle the increased velocity much better and since I shoot them at a much lower volume the added cost is insignificant.


New member
So so sad. I’ve bought their 135 grainers for years for the 40 cal. A lot of others as well They were my go to bullets. Very accurate and priced well. Loading some 40’s this morning and read this. Only got a couple hundred left. ??????
Sad. So sad.


New member

These folks are a supporting vendor at the Firing Line sister site The High Road.
There is a lot of good things being said about these people and this is where I will be making my next purchase.

Also their jacketed bullets run about the same price point as their plated.


New member
I've used plated bullets from several mfgs in 9MM. I can't tell any difference at the range. Some are shinier than others but all perform well. Berrys, Ranier, thebulletworks.net, Extreme and maybe others. RMR has good buys on jacketed bullets, i have not used RMR plated bullets but I have confidence they will be good.


New member
I just read this thread and found out Rainer is defunct. I immediately went to Midway and bought 3K of their 148 DEWC's. I already had 4K + a partial box; but now I have 7K :p

Rainer's DEWC is - far and away - superior to any other plated DEWC out there - bar none. All others are rounded on the edges and don't really cut a clean hole in paper. Rainer's actually have a ridge and so they cut a very clean hole. They are superb. I'm going to miss them. Of course, at 7000, it's going to be a good while ;)

BTW, Midway had them on clearance and I only paid $71.something-something for them (per 1000). That just over 7 cents each - about that for lead slugs.

As far as other plated bullets, I go with X-treme for everything else. I have been very pleased with their products and service.

I have used Berry's too. But I have only bought them from my LGS when there was an immediate need; and that's probably not the most economical way. I have never bought Berry's on line.


New member
Throw in another shout for RMR. Their "Matchwinner" in-house FMJs in 9mm shoot really well for me and if you use a Lee FCD, do not suffer like plated. Great prices and frequently on sale. Customer service is very responsive as well - many times by the owner Jake.