Rain... worst gun movie ever?


Staff Alumnus
I had been planning to watch this new movie on animal planet about war dogs and their handlers. After viewing the really great documentary "war dogs" i thought Rain would be a treat . NOPE.

Watch the documentary, even the recreation segments are done pretty well.

UNLIKE the Film itself which contains abberations like AR15 A2's (ok i could even let that slide if the budget was tight) but along side the A2's in the platoon were mini 14's, a carbine, a semi automatic "thompson and GET THIS... a chrome "Hi Point" 9mm carbine in a COUNTER SNIPER Role. Not to mention the M9 instead of the 1911, the lack of clearing around the base, the thin yet nonexistant plot, jet rangers instead of hueys etc etc. It just sucked.

Watch the documentary "War Dogs".. skip the Movie "Rain"


New member
Yeah I was gonna watch it and I turned it on halfway through it and I saw the A2s and I tried to be forgiving...but then I saw the chrome Hi Point and I couldn't believe it. I was horrified at the 9mm sniper. I didn't catch "War Dogs" but I wanna see it, but I'm going to have to pass on "Rain"


Point Blank

New member
I thought it was a very good movie myself,even though the soldiers had 14" bootstraps instead of 15"...come on,overall it was a VERY good movie...