Rain of lead shot


New member
Another thread here got me to wondering, how many members here have experieced being "rained on" by lead shot while bird hunting?

I've had the experience many times. My Dad used to own a 2200 acre parcel of prime hunting land which was managed primarily for doves, ducks, and quail. We would have serveral large dove hunts annually (200-300 people,) and most of the fields were large enough that it could take as many as 25 to 35 people to cover them completely. It was not at all uncommon for someone at one end of a field to fire a shot with the result that the shot charge fell onto people at the other end.

This is not a dangerous situation, IMO, unless you're looking directly skyward w/o glasses. Several times I tried to catch shot in my hand when I would hear it begin to rain down around me, and was successful only once when a pellet (probably a 7 1/2) landed in my hand.

Anyone else experience this?

Ragin Cajun

New member
I get rained on at the range every so often. The IDPA practice bays area are a distance off to the side of the shotgun range. No problem for me. I also remember the same thing hunting ducks.



New member
It happens. All the more reason to wear a hat and glasses.

Happens at the seashore too, cept that is seagull rain.



New member
Been there! I caught some one time and it turned out to be size BB. I wonder what idiot would use BB on Dove.


New member
See my other post. I did it to myself by racking a gun with finger on the trigger when I was about 16....

Rained on a few times duck hunting.

And my post about actually getting shot by 7 1/2's that went under my skin ...see "Have you ever been shot at" post....


New member
Brother showed me a trick. Standing about 40-50 yards from a large (unoccupied) shop building with a tin roof, raised his 12ga to 45 degree angle over the building & let fly. 10-15 seconds later, most, if not all of the birdshot rained down on the sheet metal roof. The stuff don't go very far.