rabbit hunting in S.W washington


New member
I was looking though this forum and a few others and got thinking about hunting in general. at the moment I have little cash so going deer or elk hunting is not an option. so anyhow I have never hunted rabbits period but I have ate some once, good stuff. I was wandering if there is any fairly productive area's to hunt fairly near to Vancouver? general areas and times I would never ask for your favorite spot. I know I would need a small game license I can get that(yes I have took hunters ed and know were the card is), and I have a .22 rifle and lots of sharp knifes. is there anything else I might need? oh wait i need to get some orange. any tips? anything illegal that a harebrained newb might try unwittingly?


Staff In Memoriam
Make sure the .22 is legal (it should be). Make sure you cook your bunny well to kill possible cooties. Look for new young grass growth near hide out areas and hit them as daylight approaches and be still for awhile. wait for the woods to wake up and keep your peepers peeled. DON'T LOAD THE FIREARM UNTIL LEGAL SHOOTING TIME!!! They are also active as the day wears towards dark at least around here.That is all I got off the top of my head... ooops that reminds me... head shots with a .22 or you will damage alot of good meat...


New member
yeah a .22 is legal I am pretty positive. thanks for the tip about popping them in the noodle though. I could always take my blow gun out if the .22 is not legal. lol


New member
they like to hide in brushpiles and hedge rows too. father in law used to take a stick and whack the pile or a spot of row and sometimes they would flush. or give a kick or 2 and keep a sharp eye out they are fast. although doing that would be running shots. maybe that wingmaster would be a good choice too. loaded with #6 or #7.5. or the .22 just be careful. even if you are hunting without a partner. rabbit season opens on sat. here. i can't wait myself.


New member
SKULLANDCROSSBONES65: G'day. Rabbits tend to stay close to cover during the day. Early mornings and late afternoon is the best time if you are not able to spotlight them.

not if you take a piece of carrot cake put it on a plate and fill up a cup of coffee and set in out. I have also found out that bunnies seem to be drawn to Irish folk music and riverdancing too.... lol sorry