R U "Post-Obama World" Ready?

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R U "Post-Obama World" Ready?
This is what they will want to take away from me when they feel the time is right.



How will you give 'em up? They don't want you or me to have them, who's will is stronger? How much do they mean to you? What do they mean to you?

Without these weapons I am not free. Even with them I am not free, but they do give me the chance to not be oppressed.

They want to take them from my possession because they really do fear them, otherwise why the interest in disarming me? They do not trust you or me or anyone else, they can't even trust their own members most of the time.

No person truly knows what they will do when the gavel strikes the plate and the law knocks on your door for your weapons. I just hope there will still be enough American blood running through their veins to not follow the orders. I don't want to fight, never have, but please don't make me.


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New member
Same here

I've been prepared for 30 years...don't matter who's in the white house to me. Either you're ready to protect your own, or you're not.
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