R&D Gun Shop


New member
I’m still waiting on the conversion cylinder for my 1863 Pocket Remington. I ordered one from Taylor’s more than a year ago and they told me R&D was in the process of developing the cylinder for the little Pietta 1863. In October of this year I emailed Taylor’s and got no response, so I emailed R&D directly. A woman named Regina Howell replied and said they were just finishing up those cylinders and they’d be on their web site soon.

Yesterday I checked their web site and got redirected to a web design site with the message “This Account Has Been Suspended”. So I emailed Regina again and she promptly replied the following:

“Our website is down right now as we are closing down to catch up on some work. The Pockets would be one of those projects. Let me get your name and phone number as I have started a list and they will only be available through us and they are priced at $210.00.

We also have a new name and company:

Howell Old West Conversions, LLC.

Everything is the same, just new company.
Thank you
Regina Howell”

This is all a bit fishy to me. Does anyone know what's going on here?


New member
I know nothing about it, but I appreciate your having taken the time to provide us with your report. :)


New member
but I appreciate your having taken the time to provide us with your report.
You betcha! :)

Searching TFL I found a few older posts where people said R&D had their gun in for work and were unresponsive. I'm not sure what's going on, but sounds like there may have been problems for a couple years and maybe now a shake-up in the business. ???

Wonder if they'll ever produce the cylinders.


New member
Searching TFL I found a few older posts where people said R&D had their gun in for work and were unresponsive. I'm not sure what's going on, but sounds like there may have been problems for a couple years and maybe now a shake-up in the business. ???
I was dealing with them a year or so back.anyway sombody higher up in the Co. died at that time.


New member
I wouldn`t be hard on them ..they are a small shop makeing a product that sells like hot cakes ..... (expecially right now ) I know they have to be swamped with back orders .............last month every place I looked was out of stock on the R&D cylinders . I ordered one for my Ruger and it took a month to get .


With Kenny Howell's reputation, I can't imagine anything sinister going on. I would just assume they're busier than a one-legged cat and up to their eyeballs in work.


New member
I also have been waiting a year from Taylors.

I was wondering if you could send me some contact info so I can get in touch with R&D. I am going through the same thing. Thanks Greg

Duck Dodgers

New member
I have had a pistol at R&D for a year now.

All I can get are vague replies.."2 weeks" and "it's almost done".

Nice guy or not...He's got my pistol and I'm not getting any straight answers.:mad:

Found this forum after doing a search when I saw their web-site was down.

I will try the phone number in one of the previous posts.

Anybody have an address? Maybe it's registered letter time if they continue to ignore my e-mails.

Duck Dodgers

New member
OK, I talked with Ken today...well sort of.

I told him who I was and wanted to know the status of my pistol.

He said "two weeks".... I told him I was skeptical because I had had the same answer for a year.."two weeks".

He got all ruffled up and then said he will box it up and return it to me. And then he hung up.

Nice and professional.

So what now? I wait for a year, get the run around ("two weeks"), the guy is rude and returns my pistol with out doing the work?

I guess I'll get my pistol back in "two weeks". :mad:

Duck Dodgers

New member
OK...back again.

A couple hours after my call (see last post) Regina called me with an actual status and an apology.

Pistol is partially complete but with their high work load it won't be finished for 1 or two months.

Hopefully, it will be worth the wait and aggravation.


New member
Sure glad to see you got it straightened out DD ... I think they are great folks with great products ..They wouldn`t be the first small company to have growing pains ..


New member
Beware of Ken Howell and R&D

I've noted that some of the posters have had delivery and communication problems with Ken Howell and R&D. In my experience with Ken Howell he and his assistance have ingnored phone calls, faxes, e-mails, and letters. I sent Ken Howell a rifle 4 years ago to have work performed Ken Howell. I was told that the turnaround time was approximately 6 months. As requested by Howell, I paid the $625 for the modifications in advance. Since that time (YES! 4-years ago) Howell has rarely responded to my communications. When I do finally reach him, he'll tell me that the rifle will be done by a certain date then he does not meet that deadline. Again and again (and again and again) I've called him to ascertain the date (new date) when the rifle would be completed. Usually after 15 to 20 calls he will respond with another date of completion . . . then (again and again) not meet this new completion date. Howell has even used the excuse for not completing my rifle with a story that he had to work on some of Tom Selleck's guns for a movie. I believe Mr. Howell is not an honorable man and my experiences with him has lead me to believe that he is a dishonest man. All those individuals doing business with Howell should be forewarned that, again in my opinion and experience, Howell is not an honorable person or a honest man.


New member
R&D Bankruptcy

IF R&D is filing for bankruptcy I'm pretty sure that any firearms that are in their shop for work will become part of the "assets" of the bankruptcy court.. I seem to recall from some other posts that some of the members of this forum has firearms at R&D for repairs/alterations...I'm just not sure what kind of a "goat rope" the guys will have to go thru to get their property back..


New member
I'm not going to bash them, but I will say I've been waiting for the 1863 Pocket Remington conversion cylinder they've been promising for a long time now and am pretty sure it isn't gunna happen.


New member
All is not what it seems.

R&D is reorganizing. It appears that R&D had some major internal problems and is now in the process of "cleaning house". New management at R&D has assured that all products and services will be available and all back orders, work projects, and product services will be honored. It appears that R&D's lack of communication with their customers was caused by employees that are no longer with R&D. Armed with this new information I believe that R&D is making a major effort to provide outstanding service to their customers. I have learned that Mr. Howell has suffered some business and personal tragedies recently. Without such knowledge one (read: Me) can make assumptions that may not be correct. I understand that R&D will reorganize under a new company name. I wish them good luck and God speed.