Quotable Quotes....


New member
What are your favourite Quotes in the shooting game??

Could be about safety, competition, reloading, hunting, self defense....
whatever clever or profound or humourous or of Great wisdom etc

I'll start things off with a few,

"Anything that needs to be shot, should be shot Twice !!"


"Shoot as fast as you can, and as carefully as you must" Cooper?

Start Posting JD


New member
"Make (your attacker) advance through a wall of bullets. I may get killed with my own gun, but he’s gonna have to beat me to death with it, ‘cause it’s going to be empty."

-Clint Smith


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"only accurate rifles are interesting." -COL Townsend Whelen

"You can't miss fast enough to win." -Bill Jordan maybe, I know I've kraigwy post it a time or too.


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"Bushido is all very well in its way, but it is no match for a 30-06."
Col. Jeff Cooper.

I remind my niece of that quote everytime she wants to take up a new Martial Art.
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New member
I've got two of em , . . .

"Never take a knife to a gun fight."

And a little different take on another one, "Anything worth shooting once, should be shot again, . . . ammo is cheap, life only happens once."

May God bless,


New member
Both of these are from "The Most Interesting Man in the World"

"I don't always buy ammunition, but when I do I buy hollow points"


"I don't always carry a pistol...just kidding, I DO always carry a pistol"


New member
Occasionally known as the Soldier's Prayer. Don't know the original author, but if someone could educate me, I'd be grateful.

"Lord, make me fast and accurate. Let my aim be true and my hand faster than those who would seek to destroy me. Grant me victory over my foes and those that wish to do harm to me and mine. Let not my last thought be “If only I had my gun”; and Lord, if today is truly the day that You call me home, let me die in a pile of empty brass."


New member
Command given before targets are raised in the National Trophy Infantry Team [Rattle Battle] match.


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"The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is difficult to determine whether they are genuine." -Abraham Lincoln.

"When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk."

Bud Helms

Senior Member
"Better to be judged by 12 than carries by 6" - Mark Wahlberg in "We Own The Night"


I think original quote gets the credit: "Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six." - Booker T. Washington


New member
Mine are from The Simpsons

"Guns are for hunting dangerous or delicious animals, self defense and for keeping the King of England out of your house" Krusty the Clown

"If I didn't have my gun, the King of England could walk in here right now and start pushing people around" Homer Simpson

"I guess the next place he tries to rob better have a wheelchair ramp!" Moe after shooting a would be robber

"A gun is NOT a weapon, it's a tool, like a harpoon or an alligator" Homer trying to convince his wife to let him keep his gun
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New member
"Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it." -- my bro-in-law. Not really. Don't know where it came from.

"Just shoot the #@%$* thing." ___ my big brother.

Dr Big Bird PhD

New member
"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest."
-- Mahatma Gandhi

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."
-- Unknown (It's not jefferson)