Quiet .22 rifle


New member
Minor dilema: which would be quieter out of a .22lr bolt rifle, Remington .22lr subsonic's or .22 CB Shorts? Looking to smoke varmints without freaking out the neighbors.


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If it freaks 'em out because it ain't legal (i.e. in city limits) don't do it.

If it is legal, how freaked out can they be by a .22?

My buddy was verifying his .7mm Rem Mag on his property this year before deer season. Perfectly legal and very safely done. Some new "neighbor" had the nerve to come over and complain and threatened to call the law. He just didn't know what to say when he was informed that it was 100% legal and he could call the county sheriff if he wanted to.


Subsonics are pretty quiet. Shorts are a little more quiet but still sound gunshotish in the back yard to me.
Mostly a function of barrel length---the longer, the quieter----unless you go the full suppressed route along with the $200 stamp.

Probably cheaper just to put some poison pellets out.


New member
CB's are a bit quieter. You mentioned CB shorts, but CCI also sells CB longs. They have the same bullet and velocity, but have the longer case. From what I've read, accuracy tends to be a little better with the CB longs.


New member
I have shot lots of CCI CBs and they are quiet. Since I discovered the Remington CeeBees thats all I buy. They cost a little more but have a bullet that is far superior to the CCI bullets. Plus the bullet is a little longer and heavier so it is stabilized by the 1/16 twist found on the typical 22 rifle. They are just a little louder than CBs.

I know somebody will say to use the Aquila rounds. They are fine from a handgun but out of a long (24") barrel you stand a real good chance of having them stick in the bore. Ask me how I know. They did work okay from a ruger 10-22 but were never that accurate. Fine for real close but they fall out of the air pretty quick. I have had some that bounced off squirrels after 20 yards or so. Too long of a barrel really slows them down.


New member
here in my town you can buy a permit and shoot ''critters'' inside the city limits, otherwise it is illegal. i really have alot of fun sometimes with my daisy pellet rifle out in the backyard. plus, it keeps the squirrel population down.


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Ive tried them all, Aquila Super Colibrí is quieter than them all.

Primer only loaded .22, I think the manufacturer warns they can get stuck in rifle barrels, safe in pistols.


New member
Go ahead and spend $5.00

Buy a box of each Maybe spend $5 and see which one is more silent and is more accurate than the other I have used the subsonic shorts before and they are really quiet compared to standard or high velocity rounds. Lemmon


New member
Agree with the try them all approach.

The powderless are quietest, IMO, but have been reported to have problems.

I have done away with a number of pests, including a 6' rattlesnake a couple of weeks ago with the aguila powderless ones.

Be careful, the aguilas have been reported to not make it out of some rifle barrels although I've never had that happen.

I have had them fail to feed and get badly hung up in a couple of semi-auto actions, however.

None of the 'quiet' rounds are particularly quiet out of a handgun, however.




New member
Thanks all. It seems the concensus is that subsonics ARE quiet, yet many of you feel the CB shorts are a tad quieter. Both are obviously more expensive than standard .22lr ammo. Guess I'll have to try both


New member
.22 CB Longs are the hot setup. In a 24" barreled bolt action the striker falling is the loudest sound you'll hear. *tick* Lots of fun. I spent a few days at a lakeside vacation community with some friends, and a one of them brought his Rossi Gallery gun and a brick of CB Longs- lots of fun and way quieter than the airguns we brought.


New member
Like Vt Birdhunter, I like the Super Colibri - 500fps. I have had good luck (quiet & accurate) with the RWS 6mm Flobert-Spitzkugeln acorns in my Win Model 52 - due to being so short, they can be difficult to load and are about $12/100. But they are quieter than a RWS .22 air rifle and all the other CB/BB/short rounds I've tried, about the same as the Super Colibri.
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New member
I like the Super Colibri - 500fps, safe to use in a rifle.

No they are not. I have a ring in a remington 512 to prove it. These were the super colibris. The ones the box says to use in handguns only. If you shoot enough of these from a long barrel (24") you will eventually get one that has just a little less priming compound and it WILL stick in your bore.

You won't notice it until you fire the next one and you ring your barrel. Thats what happened to me. Use these at your own risk.