Quick question about NICS and delays


New member
So basically every time I try and purchase a firearm I get a delay, I assume it is because I share a name with my father is who not eligible to own firearms. I figured that might happen so I also give my SSN however still get delays.

Is the SSN not enough for the NICS clerks to see we are different people or could there be something else in my record that is causing the delay?

Can I find out exactly what information they are pulling?


New member
As far as I know, there's no easy way to figure out why you get a delay. Some people never get delayed, some people get delayed most of the time, some people get delayed some of the time, and some people always get delayed.

Some people, like you, have a pretty good guess as to why they get delayed, but it's usually just a guess. Some people who always get delayed just accept it and think of every gun purchase as having a three-business-day "waiting period", and some decide to go to the BATFE's website and apply for a UPIN to fix the problem.


New member
I do not know what State you are applying in or your State's procedures. In some States like my State (Alabama) the Federal Firearm Licensee (seller) contacts the Feds directly and it takes minutes. Some States have the FFL contact the State Police, New Jersey as an example, or other State agency to process the request through the Feds. This way they make more money by charging an additional fee. It can delay the approval process by days and in some cases longer where there are backlogs.

So in general, it is not the Feds. with the holdup but the State who acts as a middle-man. I would think by using your SSN, it would eliminate the delay at the Federal level.


New member
lamarw said:
So in general, it is not the Feds. with the holdup but the State who acts as a middle-man. I would think by using your SSN, it would eliminate the delay at the Federal level.
I'm referring to the Feds. And I'm talking about the official response from the FBI NICS background check that is called a "delay". It means they can't figure out the results of your check quickly enough so they delay it by up to three business days. There's often no rhyme or reason as to why you get delayed, and often putting your SSN doesn't help. And 99% of the time it comes back as a "proceed" anyway. It's an annoyance, but there's usually nothing to be worried about when you get delayed by NICS.

Jim Watson

New member
If you keep getting delayed because they cannot tell you from your Father, you can apply for a NICS PIN that will identify you to the checker.

SSN is not always enough for the feds. I once got held up on a security clearance because of a punk with the same name but different SSN, birthday, and address.


New member
Just found out that clearances can slow down the approval process.

I believe secret clearances last for 10 years and I got one back in 2008 while I was in the military.

Maybe I will have to get Upin

dogtown tom

New member
Teirst Just found out that clearances can slow down the approval process.
Whoever told you that is full of baloney.

I have several Secret Service and FBI agents as customers who all have clearances and NEVER get delayed.

James K

Member In Memoriam
I probably had more access clearances than any ordinary FBI agent, and I have never been delayed. I think the OP probably is right and the NICS people are playing CYA, making sure the applicant is not prohibited.

Whoever told you that is full of baloney.
I've heard all kinds of speculation as to what could cause a delay. It's just that: speculation.

To the best of my knowledge, there's never been a published list of factors leading to NICS delays.


New member
I doubt this had any effect on your situation, but we must remember most of the Federal Government's employees (other than politicians) have received significant time off without pay this past Summer. Therefore, they have not been at work one day out of every week not to mention loosing a significant amount out of their paychecks. Then the politicians are acting like this could happen again starting October 1st on an even larger scale.

Watch the news and if you plan of buying a new firearm requiring a background check, you might want to do it before October 1st. :(


New member
I'm assuming you are a citizen. I'm a green card holder and I get delayed every single time. I need to get my citizenship since I've been in the states for all but a few months of my life but every time I have that sorta money I end up with a new gun instead. These things are drugs I swear :rolleyes:


New member
I sold guns for several years, some people said they were always delayed. You can get a special PIN number to prevent the delay. A concealed handgun lic. will serve instead a background check as far as feds are concerned.