Quick Mouse Gun Price Check...


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Mouse Gun Price Check
Astra Cub - 6.35mm

1. How good is this for a mouse gun?

2. Any draw backs?

3. What do I look for on this used gun?

4. I saw one in execllent shape for $250 - OK?
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dogtown tom

New member
briang2ad Mouse Gun Price Check
Astra Cub - 6.35mm

1. How good is this for a mouse gun?

2. Any draw backs?

3. What do I look for on this used gun?

4. I saw one in execllent shape for $250 - OK?

IMHO it would be a waste of $250.
1. It's a .25acp, the weakest centerfire pistol round currently manufactured.
2. Astra was never known for superior quality and has been out of business for years, parts may be a problem, customer support is nonexistent.
3. Mice do not fear the .25acp.


New member
I own many .25 ACP mouse guns, and without any doubt at all my Astra Cub is the most accurate of all my mouse guns. This is without question in my opinion having shot many of the .25 ACP guns, and I own probably ten of them.

The quality of Astra handguns is at least above average, especially if you are comparing them to guns made today with plastics and MIM parts. My Astra is reliable, and as I said, accurate, and I prize them both (One is .22 short).

An Astra Cub in perfect condition is worth $350.

Someone mentioned self defense shooting, was that your question? I wouldn't use it for that. I use my mouse guns for fun, and they are a lot of fun, especially the Astra, since it actually shoots where the sights say it should. I expect though that you want it for fun, as most people do, and for fun shooting a .25 ACP mouse gun can be as good as anything, especially if you reload.

I wish people wouldn't give advice about things they know nothing about!

Bill DeShivs

New member
I agree. Astras are fine guns.
The .25 auto has been used for a defense cartridge for over 100 years. If it REALLY didn't work, someone would have figured it out during the last 100 years, and they would have stopped making them.
.25 is not the best cartridge for defense, but it's not the worst, either.

Bill DeShivs

New member
Dogtown Tom-
It might interest you to know that Colt contracted with Astra to build their "Junior Colt" automatics. These guns were exactly the same gun as the Cub. I would say that alone refutes your quality claim.


New member
Thanks! BTW - what about parts? (I guess I would never need them...)

Also, If I carry in a pocket holster, can I keep it nice? It DOES look like a high quality pistol.

I guess .25 is expensive...

dogtown tom

New member
Bill DeShivs Dogtown Tom-
It might interest you to know that Colt contracted with Astra to build their "Junior Colt" automatics. These guns were exactly the same gun as the Cub. I would say that alone refutes your quality claim.

Read my post. I didn't write that they were poorly made. I said Astra was not known for SUPERIOR quality- like FN. Astra WAS an above average Spanish manufacturer.
I've owned a Colt Junior- it's nowhere close to a Baby Browning.



... I heard someone say that if Sumdood ever shot them with a .25, and they found out about it, there'd be hell to pay......

Bill DeShivs

New member
Disregarding the inane comments-
If you are looking for a gun to carry, there are better ones than the Astra.
The .23/.380 Keltecs, Ruger LCP, Taurus whatever, etc.
These guns are as small, and lighter than the Cub. Some are not more expensive. I carry a Keltec .32.


Disregarding the inane comments-

Poking fun at someone actually pondering carrying a .25 Auto for self defense is "inane"? OK, explain how that is "lacking sense" or "insignificant"....

...to extrapolate from YOUR point:

If you are looking for a gun to carry, there are better ones than the Astra.

...there are better CALIBERS than the .25 ACP, for certain, and none worse, that I can think of.

Folks CAN hunt deer with a sharp stick (and have, for thousands of years!), but if your life depends upon the success of the enterprise, and an honest to god GUN is available (actually a plethora of calibers is available!), why use a stick? A .25 ACP is not much more effective than the stick, and probably less so.


New member
Eh. Was by my local gunmonger today. He had a KelTec PF9 for $245.

A PF9 - I have thought of it. It is a good IWB, and may be a good PRIMARY choice - its not a summer pocket gun, and the bottom of the trigger GOUGES me.

I may think about an LCP or maybe a TCP (they are much smoother looking). But, this little gun could go into the pocket of my lightest shorts without a notice. I'd carry more often. And... it looks WAY cooler than plastic.

Maybe its the novelty. Again. the topic f the thread was NOT "what is the best pocket pistol".


New member
briang2ad -

I had a .25 Sterling and it was a great little pistol. It was one from my Dad's collection but unfortunately I lost several firearms in a fire and that was one....I wanted to replace it but when I started looking - I found this and bought it and I am glad I did. It is bigger than a .25 - but not by much and I certainly can hit more with it than that tiny .25 I used to have. It has very good handling characteristics.


Beretta Tomcat, .32 cal.


New member
While I own a .25ACP Astra, I ceertainly wouldn't carry it a a CCW or A Bug..

When I was working as a LEO over the past 30 years I can say I have seen 4 people shot with a .25 ACP at a fairly close distance...All succumbed to their injuries...All were shot in the chest.

According to the one of the Medical Examiners on one of the cases; one victim had both longs and his Aorta pierced by the same slug which bounced/richocheted around inside.

I do remember another guy who was shot, at close distance in the head and the round rode around the outside of his skull never penetrating and only causing soft tissue damage, a good bit of bleeding and a headache. This guy was concious and alert giving a full description of his attacker, the attackers vehicle and even handed us a piece of the attackers T-Shirt he had rippede off during the scuffle.

All that said my Astra is fairly accurate to 25 feet or so. My only gripe is a box of .25 acp ammo from Wallyworld is aboyt $6 more expensive then a 50 round box of Winch. White box!!

If you want the gun as a plinker only and feel you'd like to have one then get it....I would NOT reccomend it for Self Defensive Carry. JMHO..

lee n. field

New member
Eh. Was by my local gunmonger today. He had a KelTec PF9 for $245.
A PF9 - I have thought of it. It is a good IWB, and may be a good PRIMARY choice - its not a summer pocket gun, and the bottom of the trigger GOUGES me.

I may think about an LCP or maybe a TCP (they are much smoother looking). But, this little gun could go into the pocket of my lightest shorts without a notice. I'd carry more often. And... it looks WAY cooler than plastic.

Maybe its the novelty. Again. the topic f the thread was NOT "what is the best pocket pistol".

I mentioned it mostly as a cost comparison. PF9 is a current gun in a more powerful chambering made by a company still in business, which makes the Astra look like maybe not so good a deal.

Opinions obviously vary as to whether it's pocketable.

This gun?:


Looks a bit like by daughter's FIE Titan.


New member
Checked on the Cub again. They can do $200 - it is in excellent shape, and has an FIE mag - but it is a Cub - like the pic above. 25 is a bit anemic, but it IS smaller than the LCP by a hair and FLAT.

I like the TCP better than the Keltec or the LCP, but they seem to have problems. I picked up a PF9 at the same shop, and the mag release was goofed up. Salesman bad mouthed the Keltec, and I don't like the grip - looks like Mattel. If it was reliable, I'd get one.

Pocket choices are confusing.