Quick Kahr PM9 range report


New member
First time out with a new PM9. I'll keep this short...

As recommended by Kahr, I cleaned and lubricated it before the first range session.

I did something different just for grins... I started first up with a magazine of a bullet that is typically hard to chamber.


1-7 / Cor Bon 115gr +P - No malfs
8-107 / 115gr Winchester White Box - No malfs
108-175 / Cor Bon 115gr +P - One FTF at around 150 - nose
down hang on feed ramp - hard hang, had to lock
slide and drop mag
176-221 / Fed 146gr Hydra Shocks - No malfs
222-237 / Some old 147gr Black Talons - No malfs

I didn't try to shoot groups, but at around round 150 I started shooting for head shots at 15yds. Easily obtainable, but I was not pushing for speed. I did not get out the timer until I switched over to my 1911's, but I will at some point. With the 147gr standard pressure Fed, I would say just under a second a round, taking it easy, but all solid head shots. POI was a tad low of POA, maybe 1 inch at 15 yds with the 147's. The Cor Bons, naturally, were pretty snappy, but not at all uncontrollable, although I did develop a nice little blister on the bottom of my trigger finger toward the end of the Cor Bons.

I have a Beretta Elite 2 that likes the Cor Bons, and will being trying them soon in a HK P7M8. Everything else I have ever tried them in has been less than wonderful. I keep them around for the Beretta. It is a hard round to feed.

Even when manually cycling the MK9, the difference in the Cor Bons and EITHER of the 147gr was noticeable. The feed is much smoother and quieter with the 147's, and the CB have a definite "hitch" as the round first contacts the ramp.

In any case, I would likely not carry the +P's in the gun anyway, opting for a little more weight out of the shorter barrel. I intend to try some of the other better HP's soon as well.

When I stripped it for cleaning, I found no surprises… just a lot of WW White box filth, normal for that cheap ammunition.

So far, so good.

Hey, thanks for the report!

I wouldn't use 147gr bullets because they are poor stoppers and are too slow. Try Triton 125gr and other light +P's. The only non plus P I would use is Federal Nyclad.


New member

Agree on the 147s compared to some others, but out of this short a barrel the +P's typically and statistically do not make the jump into hyperspace that they do out of a 4 inch service sized weapon. It is STILL a very SHORT barrel, and still a 9mm.

I will be playing with other bullets, and already intend to look at the 124 / 125 grain loadings. Maybe +P. maybe not. First it has to feed 100% for more than a few rounds. EVERYTHING else is secondary, with FMJ being the only thing completely out of the question.

The main thing I will do is remain realistic about the intended purpose for the PM9. For me, it will never be a primary carry. It is a backup for a 1911 with 230gr HS.

I bought a 27..... too much of a brick for true pocket carry. I have a Seecamp 32 that is great for pocket carry, but it's a 32! Still, I found it in my pocket more often than the G27.

If the PM9 continues to run, it will replace them both..... but not yet. For now, it is still the Colt, and the Seecamp.

Thanks for the input!
Well, I have to politely disagree. Small bullets are faster and you forget about the rifling. Have you ever seen chrono results on the G-26? It looses hardly any FPS because of the rifleing . Check out www.ammolab.com for tests then pic a load wich works well for you.

Again, thanks for the report.


New member
PM9 Range Time

I just received my PM9 and took it out to the range for a little test. In the two hours i was at the range I put 809 rounds through the gun. THis is my story of it. The gun is extremely accurate for starters and the recoil isn't horrible or the size of the gun. I don't have group measurements but everytime I put up a new target I would hit two or three consectutive shots in about a three inch group at 30 yrds (thought i couldn't do that with this gun at first). THis is the ammo list.

487 Winchester White box 115gr
150 Blazer 115gr
50 Winchester WinClean 115gr
50 Magtech 115gr
25 Remington Golden Saber 124gr JHP
20 Starfire 95gr JHP
16 Cobon +p JHP
11 Federal Hydra Shok 135gr JHP

My first hicup came at round 371 with the Corbon's, these have a little more kick out of this gun and I think I limp wrist this shot and the next one which came four shots later.

On round 384 i had another failure to feed but it was again fixed by pulling the slide back. Corbon's again

Here I took a break for about a minute or so. My hand was shaking just a little but stilll had some testing to do. Then I said, to my self, that I have to stop letting it get away from and start to pay attention to my hands a little more.

On round 474 the slide hung with the Win white box (I think i hit the catch becuase my hand went all over the place on this shot).

485 I had another imature slide lock. (I am not taking the blame for this one.)

726 Win whitebox got hooked while ejecting. Was fixed by pulling the slide back.

My hands are tired but the people have to know. You must go on.

Somewhere in here I hit the mag release and my temperture rose when I pulled the trigger and watched the mag fall to the floor as the gun went bang. I thought it was falling apart only to look and say to myself you did it.

About three minutes later I was letting it cool off.

Alll in all I have to say that this is a pretty good little gun. I am not sure about some of the slide locks which mostly happened. i say this becuase I was shooting really quick for the most part so i could have accidently cause the problems that occured.

Any one in Louisiana and live in the Baton Rouge and New Orleans area who would like try the PM9 e-mail me and when can try to get together.

I will keep everyone posted on the progress. The next time I go to the range I will not take any blame becuase my hand will not be tired.



New member
I have a Kahr P9 that I fired about 300 rounds. The only two mal I have had has been with the 115 gr Corbon. These were with what must be older rounds as the oal was 1.025".
I recently bought 100 rounds of Corbon 125 gr ammunition. Today I bought a box of 115 gr. ammo.

Both new boxes ammo run about 1.040" oal.
I fired about 15 rounds of the 125 gr without a mal, and I think that the added length might be the difference in reliability or not.

It remains to be seen. Triton rounds are supposed to be 1.09" oal, and that seems to be more likely to feed reliably. I am planning to get some Triton Hi Vel 115 gr ammunition to see.

In the short barrels I think we need all the velocity we can get for reliable expansion.



New member
might want to give Federal 135 PD ammo a try. Recoil is very light out of my P9 and I've never heard anything bad about it.

Right now I am carrying Federal 124 gr. EFMJ. It is a +p though, although it is not as snappy as the GA Arms/Speer Gold Dot +p 124 gr. I used to carry

Kentucky Rifle

New member
"Bloody Thumb"...

Did you pick that screen alias because of an "INspection ARMS"!!, on an M1 that went horribly wrong??? Hee Hee. I will understand that completely.:D
