Quick CMP Garand question


New member
Hi, I've filled out the paperwork for a CMP garand but I have a quick question on payment. I don't see on the website who to make out the check to. It says mail forms and payment to CMP Sales so I assume this is who the check is made out to. I don't want to write it to CMP or Civilian Marksmanship Program and have it delayed or rejected. Any help is much appreciated.


New member
I bought mine at the South store in Anniston using plastic.

If you have a question, maybe a 'phone call the CMP would lead to your most difinitive answer. The # for the South store sales desk is 256.835.8455.



New member
Thanks for the answers. I ended up using plastic. I didn't want to call because I did that yesterday and was on hold for 2 hours.


New member
I ordered two field grade Springfields. Looking back I probably should have ordered one of each but it doesn't really matter. All I want are shooters. The wait is going to be pure torture.


New member
On one of the forms it says how to fill out the check,you used plastic,no problem.

No complaint to the folks at CMP,but I found trying to use the phone to contact them an excersize in frustration.In fairness,they aren't getting rifles shipped by staffing the phones.

I did get excellent service on an e-mail for a question on paperwork.

You may be pleasantly surprised on the wait.I ordered mine approx Dec 1 and received it before Christmas,about a 21 day turnaround during the pre Christmas season.

Once again,as far as how they "triage" their time,I did not see anything about my order in my CMP account activity ,pending order,etc,.I just got a Fedex notice it had been shipped.

My assumption,the way we can help get rifles shipped is by leaving them alone to get orders processed and shipped

Enjoy your Garands!