Quick Caliber Change Kit For Dillon 550?


New member
I just got my Dillon 550 set up for 9mm and was thinking about buying the Quick Caliber Kit with the shellplate, powder measure, and your dies already set up and adjusted.

Does anybody have one of those and is it worth it?

It seems to me that its going to take 5-10 minutes to do the change anyway.

And do you have any other presses other than your Dillon?

I've got a Lee classic C-frame press and a Lyman turret press and was thinking about selling both or one of them to recoups some of the cost. Leaning towards holding onto the turret press though just in case the Dillon goes down.

Dillon says at a minimum get a conversion kit in 45 acp, a shellplate, and a powder die?
What do you think?

The Seattle SharpShooter


New member
IMO, I'd just get the extra toolheads. Most of the work is in getting the dies all adjusted, because you have correctly pointed out that you still have to change the other stuff anyway. The time saved by having the extra powder measure is small potatoes compared to adjusting the dies.


New member
Have a 550 and several tool heads with dies set up and locked in. Setting dies, as has been noted, takes more time and effort than anything else.

As to multiple powder measures, personally I don't think it is worth while, and in any event, I check the measure EVERY TIME, even if loading tomorrow, what I loaded today.

Charges thrown do vary a bit, and the fewer variations one puts up with, ones shooting ability being perhaps the largest problem, the better off one is.

As for the 45ACP tool head, it will take ANY CARTRIDGE having a .473" head diameter, which includes such as 30-06, 270 Win. .308, .243, the list goes on and on.

The 550 is a good machine, keep the machined surface that the primer transfer bar slides on clean, oil links and pivots as recommended, and you are not likely to have problems. Their service is excellent also. Their manual used to say Don't Suffer In Silence, and they mean it.


New member
I too have the 550 and regard this as one of the nicest setups out there. Their customer service is EXCELLENT! I have different setups that I just slide in for 40,45 and 223. It take me a while to find a the dimensions that will work with each specific pistol or rifle and so once I find it I measure, lock it and leave it alone and just reload. I will check dimensions frequently for quality control and have been very please by this equipment. Good luck...



New member
I have quite a few of the quick-change caliber setups, with each toolhead having its very own powder measure and dies. A minute to change shellplates, a few seconds to swap out toolheads, and good to go!

That said, switching from large to small (or vice versa) primer bars takes the most time.

If you do pick up the spare toolheads and all that, buy a toolhead stand. Makes life a lot easier.



New member
I like the tool head with powder die. Powder dies are cheap enough and you don't have to fuss with any die adjustments.
I agree with the folks above on the extra powder measures as unneccessary. The extra cost for the small convenience isn't worth it to me, and I prefer to stay in the habit of setting up and confirming the powder charge EVERY reloading session anyway.