Questions From the Newbie...


New member
As some of you know, I am interested in learning firearms safety and how to shoot. I have been reading the posts and links on this board and others, trying to educate myself on the issues as well as the various types of guns (and boy is my head spinning!). I have always thought of myself as pretty independent, but I realize now that as a single woman I have probably unknowingly and knowingly put myself at risk many times. I live in a city with a high crime rate, and have friends that have been victims of violent crimes. I do not want to be one of those statistics. Keeping in mind that I am very ignorant of various laws, regulations and such (although I'm trying to learn!), and the fact I am from Kali (please don't hold that against me, I am a nice person...and I'm looking to move!), these are my questions:

Do I need any kind of license or ID to even hold a gun, let alone learn how to shoot it? If so, where do I go to get what I need?

Any suggestions on the best place to go to get the best possible training? (gun range? classes? What is out there?)

Since I don't own a gun, do these places supply a gun for training? Is that a dumb question? If not, do I need to find someone with a gun to go with me?

And knowing my situation, and that initially I want to learn to shoot for personal safety (notice I said initially... :) ), any suggestions/recommendations on types of guns I should be looking into? Remember...I know next to nothing!

I guess that is enough for now. I know there probably are people where I live that could answer these questions, but I don't know who they are. And since you all have been so welcoming, I feel safe sharing my ignorance with you and know you all will be a great help.

Thanks in advance!!! :D


New member
The best place to start would be a local gun club and/or range. See if they have anything geared towards new female shooters. They can give you the info on local laws and such.


Moderator Emeritus
Go to a gunshop (not Big 5 or a "sports store"), look at the guns and ask questions.

The person will very likely be very helpful and also tell you of local ranges and some around Sac as well.
No, no license required to hold or shoot. If you look especially young, you may be asked for some ID, just like buying alcohol.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!


Staff Alumnus

Your best bet would be to ask your local law enforcement officer or gun shop about the rules and regs in your area pertaining to gun ownership.

Your local range likely teaches firearms classes from basic safty to advanced marksmanship etc.

SOME training is better than others, but SOME training is better than NONE at all. Rest assured you don't need a permit of ANY kind to walk into a gun shop and ask a few questions.

For beginners I usually recommend a revolver over an automatic, because there are less controls to fiddle with and revolvers generally don't jam.

One of the things I always do when I teach someone to shoot is let them shoot my 22 pistol. Its not near as noisy as big bores and the shooter can usually get on the paper right away and build up confidence before we try shooting bigger stuff.

If defense is your interest I'd recommend a minimum of a .38 special revolver. These are easy to come by as police trade in's and good buys can be had on a variety of "name brand" guns (colt, smith and wesson, etc)

Since you are new to the hobby, (and did not grow up with guns) I'd recommend taking a class, EVEN IF you have a friend who is into the sport. Remember that PROFESSIONALS should NOT treat you badly because you are a novice or a woman. I grit my teeth every time i go to the range and see some guy berating his wife or girlfriend about how she can't shoot. :( This is not constructive. Friends sometimes take shortcuts in training that certified instructors won't.

You definitely don't want THAT experience. So try to find an instructor who is friendly, yet firm and treats you with respect. Remember also that safety comes first, then the fun stuff. You gotta crawl and walk before you can run.

The NRA website also can put you in touch with places to shoot in your area, and nra certified instructors.

Don't be afraid to let your fingers do the walking in the yellow pages either, a shop with good customer service can and will answer your questions over the phone.

Hope the information is helpful,



New member

If you are near Sacramento, The Sacramento Parks and recreation dep. (West Sacto) holds their hunters safety course (basic firearms safety) each month. Cost is minimul $5 in most cases for 12 hours of training. Also with this you will receive a cert (if you pass) that will allow you (with another fee) to purchase a hand gun in CA.

My understanding on CA law is that before you can purchase a handgun, you will need to have completed a firearms training class or have proof such as an old hunting license that you had in the past. As to the other laws see the NRA's website. They have a complete run down on all state laws.

Also in Yolo County there is the Yolo Sportsmen's Club and the Knights Landing Sportsmen's Club (I'm the treasurer) that puts on the hunters safety course. I would not recommend the Hunter's safety as a final training, but it is a good start and one everyone should take.

The Yolo Sportsmen's Club has a nice set up with trap, skeet a 25 & 100 yard ranges. The Knights Landing Sportsmen's Club has a nice indoor .22 25ft. range. I have free access to both of these ranges.

I live in Brooks which is about an hour out of Sacramento. After you have taken your basic hunters safety, the wife and I would be glad to take you out and let you shoot some of what we have. Although I don't have a .22 pistol, I do have a .22 rifle and some real light target loads in .38 spl. We could go to one of the above ranges or there is a possibility that we could take you sometime later in the year down behind the house (more fun to shoot). Can't do it right now as there are to many cattle grazing.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.


New member
Kathy - There are a lot of good suggestions in the replies.

I'd suggest you stop by the Stockton Gun Exchange on Pacific Ave. The wife and I met a couple of their folks at a gun show in San Rafael a couple of months ago and they seemed very down to earth and helpful.

In CA, you can purchase a rifle or shotgun and pick it up 10 days after the DROS is sent. To buy a handgun, if you do NOT already have a CA hunter safety certificate or license, and are not active or honorably discharged military, you will have to obtain a BFSC (Basic Firearms Safety Certificate.)

Like folks have said, stop by a gun store. Ask about training, ranges and the like. Find out what courses and ranges will allow you to try out different kinds of handguns.

Dr.Rob gave you good skinny on handgun types. My wife prefers wheelguns (revolvers).

Have fun, and please keep us posted.



Staff Emeritus
The license or ID question depends entirely on the State you are in. By all means research it thoroughly, the NRA should be able to help you with that.

Also check with the NRA about a Women-only class in your area. A female instructor can assist you with questions most of us can't answer.

Most classes will supply a gun for training if you request one in advance. Also, some ranges can rent you a pistol for a nominal fee.

Start your learning experience with a .22 pistol. After you have built up yor confidence, you will know more of what kind of pistol is right for you.

Good luck!!

[This message has been edited by LawDog (edited January 18, 2000).]


New member

Where in KA do you live? I'm also a Californian so I might be able to give you more region specific info. However, for training in CA look up these two sights. Their training should give you a good solid foundation from a local(somewhat) training source:

Since you don't own a firearm there is one training group here in L.A. that will supply the firearm for your training course. Go to Feel free to email me if you have any more specific questions.

Good luck. And have fun. :D

[This message has been edited by Mute (edited January 18, 2000).]


Retired Screen Name
If you lived in IL like me or poor Sandy, you would indeed have to have a license just to touch a gun. Of course, fewer people obey that steaming pile of legislative otter pellets (?) than obey the speed limit, but it's still annoying.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron


New member
Thank you all so much!!! I really do appreciate all the advice. I also have been talking to some friends here, one of whom is a LEO and they have been very helpful too. I have tomorrow off so I think I will go around and make some inquiries!

Bookkie...thank you for your kind offer! I will let you know how everything is progressing and I would love to come shoot with you and your wife.

I'll let you all know what I find out! Thanks again! :)