Questions about new to guns threads.


New member
Let us say there was a thread in which someone asked what kind of gun they should get for their first gun. Not hard to imagine, because there sure seem to be lots of then lately.
What questions would you like the OP to answer before you advise them?


New member
First question is what is your experience level?
Second question is are you military trained and if so what branch of service?
Third question is what is your personal maturity level? Skip that one if you've served at least one hitch in the military and have an honorable discharge.
Brand preference, if any
Reason(s) for purchase...range, ccw, competition, home defense
platform preference, if any
which cartridge one is leaning towards


New member
What are you going to use it for would be my first question. Everything else has to follow that question.


New member
First question: What is your intended use of the gun (range, carry, hunting, etc)?

Next questions: budget, personal preferences, experience level, time you're willing to invest, etc.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
shortwave: "Will gun be used for recreation, S/D or both? ..."

Buzzcook: "What are you going to use it for would be my first question. Everything else has to follow that question."

chemgirlie: "First question: What is your intended use of the gun (range, carry, hunting, etc)?"



New member
If answer was 'yes' to all of the above,and all the rest of posted questions were answered: next question would be "what caliber do you think would fit for all the above"? Followed by a statement that maybe more than one gun should be considered cause IMHO there`s no one gun thats perfect for all scenario`s. Hunting handgun usually not suited (to big) for ideal ccw.
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New member
I don't care what they ask, I just recommend something in 454 Casull and be done with it. :)

Actually, I don't much answer those threads and when I do, it's usually when someone is asking about a first gun for a young 'un.
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New member
If the answer to "what will you use it for" is yes,
then I would try to find out how they rank order of importance (eg: ccw is more important to me than hunting.) I would then let them know that only one, maybe two, of those desired uses can be met with one gun. I would advise them to get the one that suits their most desired use(s) first, and then add to the gun collection as they get more experience.


New member
G'day from down under

You need to determine their build/stature to see how much recoil/felt recoil they want (or their body style can handle) senseless to advise a 60lb 4'6" lady to get a 44 mag revolver when a .22 bottom feeder might be better for her, wouldnt flip her over every time she squeezed the trigger (fun to watch tho) :D


New member
What's the gun for?
What kind of experience do you have with firearms?
What's your budget?
What are some unique factors about your situation that may have an influence on your decision?


New member
It's entirely possible to buy a serviceable gun for under $300 so I don't think budget would be my second choice.

I think the second question should be about what kind of guns the OP has been considering on their own.

The idea of the second question being to get the OP involved in the thread rather than being a passive consumer of information. After all we know how people like to give their opinions;)