Questions about buying a Saiga


New member
Its getting close to pay time, and I ve been considering buying a Saiga for a long time. I h av e read up on them quite a bit, but I was hoping you all know more than I do. I was looking into buying the 5.45 version. My question is, what is the average price of a Saiga, non-converted Saiga after FFL fees and tax, roughly? Also, is 5.45 still readily available, and what is the average cost for 1000 rounds? I am asking a lot of questions. Hope you guys know more than I do.


New member
Not every FFL is going to be able to get you the same price. It's going to depend on his distributor and shipping so you'll have to talk to your local dealers to see what price they can get you. 5.45 is available. If you do a google search you should be able to find it.


New member
Dang, where do you live for a $15 ffl transfer?

It just depends on the guy. Where I am I can find guys from $15-50.

Also in my area I bought a .308 saiga about 2 years ago and it was $470. That was in stock at a local gun shop. The 5.45/5.56/7.62 run about $50 cheaper so I would say at that time I would have paid $420-450 OTD for one. And that was a 45min drive. The guy here in town charges ~$550-600 for a .308 or 12ga.


New member
I wish I could get some that cheap. I'd get 2 or 3 at that price. I remember seeing them in shotgun news maybe 5 years ago for ~$230 I think.

DE Shooter

New member
+1 for chris in va
A little internet searching will prove this.

My FFL charges $25. Local shops want $50-$60

I find a piece for a good a Saiga 5.45 from Classic Arms ($299) or J&G or CenterFire or whoever has the best deal; sometimes free shipping. I have my FFL make contact. Then I call and purchase the piece and they send it to him. Five days later I have my piece.

For ammo, I locate the cheapest spam can (or case) deal on the internet or hit a big gunshow with milsurp ammo dealers.

If my local shops have the best firearm/ammo deals, I definately work thru them.


New member
Thanks guys

That is about what I expected. I know of a few dealers around here that do 15 or 20 dollar transfers as well. J&G and Centerfire Systems have been the cheapest price I have seen for them online as well. I noticed Centerfire Systems advertises theirs as alrrady being conpatiable with AK-74 magazines. Do all 5.45 Saigas come this way or are these different?


New member
All Saig 5.45s are AK74 mag compatible. However...
1. If you want 100% reliability, install the bullet guide
2. If you use a mag > 10 capacity, you may run into 922 trouble, unless you make other modifications to your rifle. You do not have to make other modification if you simply add a bullet guide, though you will have to lower the front lip of the Saiga mag.

If you want help on 922, check out the Saiga-12 forum.


New member
Hmm cool. I never knew that all the 5.45 Saigas were AK-74 magazine compatible. If I remember right, installing a bullet guide isn't too difficult. And yeah, I'm aware of the 922R dance. Thanks :)


New member
On the topic of transfers, I asked my local Gander this week - they charge $75 (price set at "corporate" is what he told me) ! With FFL prices like that, it certainly changes the math on online purchases.