Questions: 38super, 9x21, 9x23, 38TJ


New member
OK, someone please get me straight. I somewhat understand the difference between the different cartridges, but what about the launching platforms? Can a 9mm pistol be converted to 9x21? Can a 38 super pistol be converted to 9x23 or 38TJ? I gather these rounds were developed somewhat as a competition answer to the limitations of the base 9mm and 38 super ammunition. Am I correct?


New member
The witness 9x19 converts easily to 9x21, 40, and 41AE.

Their 45 converts to 10mm, and 38SA.

I would bet that most other platforms follow the same lines of easy conversion. Theirs is limited mostly by magazine size between the two "families" (they produce two different frame sizes, each in full size and compact).


New member
Can a 38 super pistol be converted to 9x23 or 38TJ?
I have read in a few places that it is not necessary to "convert" a .38 Super to fire 9x23. They are so close in dimensions that as long as the chamber is correctly cut so the 9x23 can headspace on the case mouth, both rounds can be fired from the same gun with no problems in reliability or safety. This is hearsay, mind you.


New member
This is has been my experience...

I have shot 9x21 from a Springfield at the OAL of the 9x19..just needed to change the barrel and do some other beefing up of some parts...
Then shot 9x21 from a 1911 platform gun...barrel change and I change OAL to 1.250 for better feeding.. shoot 9x23 alot...pretty much use a 9mm or 38 super breech face 1911 slide..they are pretty close..

a 9x23 and 38 super could be shot out of the same barrel..there is slight dimensional difference..
9x23 is .002 bigger at rear and .004 smaller at the case mouth than super..

You would need to figure out extractor tension as the super has the semi-rim and the 9x19, 9x21, 9x23, 38TJ, 9mmSC and 38SC do not..