Questions (2) on factory sight settings


New member
I just purchased a SA 1911 with an adjustable rear sight...

1. From the factory... are adjustable sights set for "target" shooting (POA is at 6 oclock to the black bullseye) or are the set to be POA=POI?

2. Are factory setting usually dead on? I have heard people say that factory sights come dead on at 50 feet and heard others say that the majority of the time they need shooter adjustment because they are just screwed on and not tested.

Thanks for your help.


New member
I don't know specifically about Springfield, but in my experiance most adjustable sights are just centered in their adjustment range by the factory. No real effort is made to "sight" them in.

Having said that... many sights actually come set "pretty close" if you use generally accepted bullet weights at ranges the gun is most likely to be used at.

Good Luck...
