Question..Trade Bulgie Mak for S&W 22a?


New member
Good Morning All,

New member, first post.

I have a Bulgarian Makarov. My nephew has an S&W 22a, and he's looking for a bigger pistol. Do you think it's worth trading with him? I bought the Mak new in the cosmoline and have only put 100 rds through it. Still looks like new.

Yes, he's my nephew, but, I don't want to screw him over, or myself for that matter. So, looking for opinions.

What do you think?


New member
First of all, welcome to the forum.

I think the main question is simply whether you will enjoy the other gun more. Bulgarian Makarovs are nice guns, but there are quite a lot of them in the U.S. (Mine was $160 in very good condition six years ago, but the value has probably risen modestly to match a decent .22 pistol.) I don't think either side would be taking advantage of the other.

Particularly since this trade is in the family, I wouldn't worry too much about a small difference in value either way. If your nephew wants a centerfire pistol (perhaps for self defense), and if you want a fun plinker for practice, then it sounds like a "mutual coincidence of wants."

- Sr.


New member
Sounds like a decent trade for both of you, as long as it's what both of you want. Being family sometimes you let a little value slide to give them a break.


New member
As mentioned, since it's in the family, trade value is less strict. Personally, owning both I would keep the Bulgarian if it were just a trade offer not from family.

I guess it boils down to whether or not you want a .22 plinker. The 22A is decent for what it is but the Bulgarian is more versatile and rugged and can be used for concealed carry.


New member
Thanks for the responses, and thanks for the warm welcome.

I'm going to go ahead and trade him. Should he change his mind, I'll trade back. From all I've read, these are great shooting little pistols.

I'll be back, great info on this site.


New member
I personally would much rather have a Makarov than a 22A.
I bought a 22A and was pretty disappointed by its constant failures and mediocre accuracy. To each his own, if you want to trade that's up to you. It probably doesn't matter, being that you can trade back. Enjoy shooting, and welcome to TFL.


New member
Zombieslayer (cool name, btw)

I spent about an hour today watching YouTube videos of folks shooting the 22a, and they were shooting between 1" and 2" groups at 10-12 yards. Also, a guy was shooting at an old stove at 100 yards away and hitting about 80% of the time.

Could you have been shooting a lemon? I was rather impressed with the accuracy off iron sights, that actually improved with a red dot.
