Question on rust - 'strange' situation


New member
Haven't been around in a while, so hopefully, this is the right board to ask about this.

This morning, I opened up my gun safe after about a month of not being in it. Upon inspection of my guns, I noticed 3 of my rifles have developed some surface rust/discoloration on the barrels and recievers. The first gun is my son's .22 Cricket. There is a very small surface area of rust, more of a discoloration, in a few spots on the barrel. The second is on the upper reciever shroud of my Hi-point .9mm carbine. This rifle is the worst of the 3, the area is about the size of a $0.25 piece and a half. Again, it is more of a discoloration. The 3rd rifle is one of my AR-15s. It has a few rust/discolored spots about the size of pencil erasers on the left side of the mag well. The rest of my guns are discolor/rust free. All three, along with the rest of the guns were put away with heavy oil coatings on the metal and still have the heavy oil on them. None of the other metalic items (scopes, gunsmith tools, ect) in the safe have any rust or discoloration on them. I checked my Goldenrod device and it is ok, plugged in and working. Back in December, when I put the guns away for the winter, I disassembled each one, completely cleaned and oiled em, reassembled em, and gave the outsides an extra heavy coat of oil. I can't figure out what is causing this and only to the 3 rifles I mentioned. Anybody have any ideas?


New member
Sounds like you did everything right. What kind of oil are you using? If it is rust, then possibly a problem with the oil your using. Since I switched to Eezox a few years ago, I haven't had any problems.

Al Thompson

Staff Alumnus
The 3rd rifle is one of my AR-15s. It has a few rust/discolored spots about the size of pencil erasers on the left side of the mag well.

Uh, ARs are usually aluminum, so I'm thinking it could be gummed up oil or (maybe) mold of some sort. Can't be rust... At least on the AR.


Active member
Sounds like the oil you used has discolored for some reason. I'd take the Cricket and some WD-40 (or other degreaser) and wipe it down real good, then see what you've got.

I agree, the AR receiver is aluminum - and usually coated with something that would prevent corrosion even if it got water on it. That can't be rust. And, I've never actually seen an AR receiver that has been abused so much that it developed white flakey aluminum corrosion on it.

Bill DeShivs

New member
I have seen knives with old dried oil that looks like rust. It won't wipe off.
Use WD 40 and some 0000 steel wool to break it down.