Question on a used Delta Elite ???


New member
Fellow has a one owner Delta 10mm blue in good shape. A Gold Cup I might add and made in '91. It is lets say 95% or maybe better finish wise and all original. He says that it has had about 1 to 2 thousand rounds through it. He is looking to get $1,000.00 for it. Is that a fair asking price under the circumstances ? How many rounds should that gun be expected to cycle before it is "shot out" ?


New member
It is a fair price especially for a gold cup delta, and no you probably wont ever shoot out that gun or any gun for that matter.


The secret for long life of a Delta is to keep fresh recoil springs installed. If the owner shot a lot of full power loads and never changed the recoil spring(s) the frame may have been damaged. If there is room for a shok buff it is a good idea in these guns. Look at the head of the spring guide rod and see if it has been peened and look for any small cracks in the frame's dust cover just ahead of the slide stop hole. I have seen a few of these guns that were pushed hard and suffered from it. The original factory loads were almost too hot for a 1911 unless some precautions were taken. It is possible to "shoot out" any gun if fired with enough heavy loads and worn out springs.


New member
I would rather have a brand new stainless Delta for ~$900 than a used blue model for $1,000.

Yeah, but this is a Gold Cup, not just a standard blued DE. $1000 is very decent price if the gun is still in good shape. I'd definitely consider it if I were able to examine and handle it first.


New member
10mm factory ammo made in the last fifteen years is generally of the watered-down variety, so a couple of thousand rounds of that is hardly going to wear the pistol, let alone damage it. The factory recoil spring guide has a plastic insert in the head, which is designed to take the beating a la the add-on shok-buff. When the guide rod gets beat up, replace it. Or, so you're not dependent upon Colt's continuing to make the factory guide rod, get an aftermarket rod and a supply of 'buffs. I bought the Cominolli rod, which has 'buffs on both sides of the head, so there's no metal-to-metal contact. It might be overkill, but it does work, and does not preclude sling-shotting of the slide, as is sometimes the case when 'buffs are added.


New member
The blue gold cup is a collecters item only made one year. Total production was IIRC less than 1000 units. At that price it is a steal unless it is beat up.

Most 10mm ammo is mild compared to the origional Norma loads. Should be in fine shape.


New member
Did the deal this afternoon. I won't get a chance to shoot it until next week but here it is.



New member
Most people that have 10mm pistols have never shot real full power 10mm loads . Unless you reload or buy double tap or corbon ammo ,most 10mm ammo you can buy is nothing more than 40S&W power level . I love to watch look on someones face who shoots full power 10 mm for the first time . ;)


New member
Most people that have 10mm pistols have never shot real full power 10mm loads . Unless you reload or buy double tap or corbon ammo ,most 10mm ammo you can buy is nothing more than 40S&W power level . I love to watch look on someones face who shoots full power 10 mm for the first time .

Snappy might be an appropriate word ;).

I'd be sure to warn them ahead of time to be prepared even if they did flinch for awhile.