question on 5.11 pants


New member
The one's I've been issued don't appear to be all that stout (esp for that purpose). I always thought it was just left for the user's imagination- gloves, game calls, radio with clip, another handy place to hang your thumb, decoys, rattlin' racks, pre-set flexi cuffs, etc.


New member
It's a drag rope. We had handles inside jippered pouches on our flight jackets that had a handle in them too. Everyone was surprised to find out that it wasn't a hood inside to keep their head warm, but a handle to drag their lifeless body out of the helicopter. LOL


New member
I’ve heard three theories on the reason for the strap and have no idea if any are true.

The aforementioned handle for dragging you away

As a location for affixing carabineers and similar gear

As an aide to secure long items like flashlights in your rear pocket