Question? New York: Is ammo illegal??

Darryl Howland

New member
I have a question for some of our more worldly
people then me.
I was having a pro-gun discusion with a friend of mine (who is Anti) and he was telling me that
having one round of HP ammo is a felony without
having some sort of license for ammo (In NY).
Can anyone tell me if this is ture?? I know that
NY and NJ have some of the most insane laws, and
that several other Cities are coming up with
licenses for everything (Chicago comes to mind).
But a felony??
Thanks for the help.

I now have one anti on the fence! It's amazing
what happens when you show some of them the light.


New member
Not from NY, but...

I'm pretty sure that's a load of crap. New York is really bad, but it ain't that bad... yet. New Jerky is the only place that I know outlaws possession of HP's, and even there I don't think its a full-on felony. That's OK, here in Los Angeles (aka the worst place in the USA) we have a "Traumatic Ammuntion Ban" coming up through the legislature, which outlaws the sale and transfer of +p, +p+ ammo, any ammo marked "magnum" or "maximum", as well as any ammo that attracts a magnet (steel hunting shot outlawed??!!). Also bans 50 BMG. Hey folks, no matter how bad you think it is where you are, remember, "it's always worse on the left coast."


New member
load of crap

There are no such laws in NY concerning HP ammo. You can buy all the hollow point ammo you want at the local Wal-Mart. Just have to show id to prove age of 21.



New member
Ditto: no such law. If 21+, you can have any & all the ammo you want...but you cannot have anything to fire it in.


New member
Darryl Howland
IF your fence sitter is a good reader and can comprehend that which he/she reads...
You might try these. Read em all first, long but worth it.
Part one..
Part two..
Part three..

Starts off making arguments FOR citizen disarmement, then shreds the disarmer"s arguments with logic, reason and facts.

Tough to use on many folks because it is very involved and requires thinking on the part of both parties.


Darryl Howland

New member
Great ! ! !

Thanks for the informaiton!

Thanks for the sites. I think at this point I can
get him (the fence sitter) to read almost anything

Thanks again everyone :D

Sam Adams

New member
Blackrazor - in NJ the mere possession of HP handgun ammo in your home (or on the way back from the gunstore) is not illegal. But don't shoot anyone with it or you are in deep doo-doo. Ditto for getting caught going to the range with HP. This makes the exception to the rule kind of useless, but thems the rules (no one said they made sense). I don't think that there's any restriction on HP rifle ammo. I know this because I USED to live in the PRNJ, but I've since escaped to Texas, FA (Free America, for you "Red Dawn" fans). Now HP is fully legal, and I can even carry it (got the CHL a couple weeks back)!