Question for TX CHL Holders

slick slidestop

New member
You are not LEGALLY required to do so, but I think it would be wise to do so.

Someone may have seen you draw down on the BG, or the BG might try to call the cops and accuse you of something. Then you are driving/walking down the road minutes later and several officers initiate a "felony stop" on you.....not a good feeling I wouldn't think.

If the situation was serious enough for you to draw your weapon, it is serious enough to take the time to report it to the cops.


New member
If it was somebody that I may encounter again I would report the incident.

The way I see it is, if you encountered the person again and this time had to shoot, I think it would be better for you in court.


New member
My CCW class was taught by an investigator from the DA's office. He had an ADA and coounty judge in as guest speakers. We were told that if we ever have to draw or display our weapons, we should call the PD and report it so they have our side of the story on file when the BG reports the "Nutcase with a gun" who scared him for no reason at all. You know "I was just driving my invalid grandmother to dialysis after my boyscout meeting when I stopped to ask directions from this guy who pulled a gun on me. I have no idea why."


New member
Yes, having a police report on file is a good idea. I find that a kind of protection and strength resides in official reports.