Question for those more versed in gun laws than me...

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New member
So, I just read that the proposed gun control bill has passed a crucial vote that will allow debate on the floor of the Senate. (68-31, I believe...outside of a possible filibuster). The proposed amendment for background checks says that it includes background checks for Internet and Gun Show firearm purchases. It also will still allow person to person transfers to occur without a check.

Here's my question:

Isn't that how the current laws work? Internet purchases have to be filtered through an FFL w/ a call to NICS. FFL's selling guns at gun shows have to make the call to NICS.

I can't seem to find the language of the amendment, and that's probably because it doesn't exist yet. Am I missing something? Or is this just politispeak trying to get people to think the law isn't that bad, when there's actually something more insidious in it?


New member
I found my answer in another thread...basically, it appears there's no real difference, in the way they want to "add" checks to Internet and Gun Show sales, than what we have now, since they still require NICS. You can delete this...I apologize.

Spats McGee

No need for an apology. I saw this and thought it different enough from the other thread that it should stand on its own.

The short story: We don't really know what this bill will do, as we haven't seen the text. As it stands right now:
1) interstate sales require an FFL & a NICS check;
2) sales from a dealer require a NICS check;
3) Intrastate private party deals do not require such things.

The proposed bill has a long way to go, and lots of amending could be done, before a final vote.

ETA: However, since you've found your answer, I will go ahead and close this thread.
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