Question for Southern deer hunters


New member
About 25 years ago when I decided that the 270 was "MY" rifle of choice so I could bag bean field deer out to 300+ yrds. I practice often and hunt as much as I can. I have taken many deer, but none over 100yrds. Never even got a shot at one past that. I would like to know am I unique or is that the norm.:rolleyes:


New member
I now live in the South (Southeast, really). I have never had the chance (around these parts) of a shot beyond about 130 yards. In the past, I hunted in the West, but even there, the furthest shot I've taken was 235 yards, on a Bull Elk. The majority of my "Southern" deer have been taken at 100 yards or less, with, I think two, at 110 - 130 yards.

This is why I've taken to shooting exclusively with iron sights, now. I enjoy them and simply don't need anything else.


New member
I took a blacktail in Washington state, at about 75yrds. I guess that I really can't complain. I do have deer in the freezer:p


New member
If you did'nt have it you would feel undergunned Would be bad to watch a buck of a lifetime was just out of range when you took your 30-30


New member
Well since you're in the south now alot of your shots will be short of 100 yards. I've made a few shots past that though. I hunt mostly fields and pecan orchards in the early season. When it gets real cold the deer tend to move to the thick stuff where there's plenty of acorns. I'm only about 1 1/2 hours north of you so you probably get the same pattern. I've seen deer out to 400 yards but I'm not comfortable shooting at that distance. The .270 will still serve you as a great rifle even in the brush as long as you have a clean shooting lane.

If you did'nt have it you would feel undergunned Would be bad to watch a buck of a lifetime was just out of range when you took your 30-30

This happened to me about 6 or 7 years ago when I only had a .30-30. I had to watch a nice buck in the field about 250 yards away. I have a .270 the next season. I hunt with a .308 now though.
Im from La. and hunt in Alabama. I've taken a doe at right about 200yds. but every other deer I've shot has been in the 100 + or - yard range. I still take my .30-06 with me everytime I go because I just dont know what stand I'll be put on and what kind of shots I may need to take. I may get a stand on a powerline one day and a small food plot the next. Better to have enough gun and not need it than the other way around. :)


New member
I'd say that's the norm. I've been hunting TN for 16 years or so...I've taken one deer at 200 yards and one at 125 yards, the other dozen or so have all been less than 50 yards.

The .270 is a fine choice down here. I've personally used a .308 and a 7mm-08 since I started hunting, both are in handy little rifles that are nice for toting through thick stuff. But, they both offer plenty of power for the occasional long shot.


New member
I don't care if a world record buck saunters by....just out of my effective (iron sight) range. For me, it is not about the trophies - I don't collect them (only the rack, IF a particularly nice one). Nor is it about the meat, per se, though I always use what I harvest (I like venison very much). It is, for me, about the EXPERIENCE.

So, in this hypothetical scenario, if a world - record buck sauntered by, just out of range.....I'd simply enjoy the majesty of him...and enjoy watching him through my binoculars. I am a patient man, at least as regards hunting. I get far more satisfaction from an enjoyable day in nature...than I do from making a kill.


New member
I got one a few years ago at 120 yards, but most of them were at 50-100 yards.

Embarrassing to say but I've had 3 clean misses, one at 75 yards and one at a little over 100 yards (I forget exactly how far) both with black powder rifles and one at upwards of 200 yards with an old Enfield when I was 16. I'm not impressed with the consistancy of BP, nor WW-II vintage ammunition under cold weather conditions.

k in AR

New member
North central hills of Arkansas here...., my deer sightings are generally 25 to 100 yards. I shoot a Ruger #1 in 7x57 mostly during deer season. I sight in (Zero) at 125 which leaves the vitals "dead on" at any range I'll ever see here. Weekend before last got a really big healthy doe and is she ever good eating. Had to request the doe permit last June and thankfully was drawn.


New member
If you take a stand where you can see over 300 yards, and if you hunt using a really good binocular (i.e., Zeiss, Swarovski, or Leica), you will be presented with shots at over 300 yards. Most people don't see the deer. I shot a doe on a gas line at a measured 350 yards a couple of years ago. I used a 30-06.
