Question for MI Tech Students/recent graduates


New member
I am heading to Michigan Tech this fall, and I was wondering if there is anyone there now that could give me some genereal information:
What the weapon storage areas are?
What they allow on the rifle range, in terms of caliber, no wolf, those things?
Is there are any other ranges around there?
Does it cost anything to register weapons with the campus police, or to store them there?

Dean C

New member
I have a student at Central Washington University. In the information we received from the University was that students with fire arms should register and store them with the Campus Ploice at no charge. They are open 24-7 and glad to serve the students. More than likely most shcools subscribe to that philosophy. All you have to do is ask.


New member
I went to Tech years ago and spent my first year in Wadsworth Hall. They have a room in the dorm for storage, I am not sure about the hours. Unless they have changed things, the only rifle range on campus is for air rifle. There are plenty of open places to go shoot though, you just have to ask permission of the landowners. Many people take their firearms up there for hunting season. There was no charge to store your weapon when I was going to school there, but as I said, it has been quite a while.

Enjoy the U.P., it's great. Take advantage of summer school. Stop it! Quit rolling your eyes at me! Summers up there should not be missed, they are amazing! Make sure you pack a very warm coat. I am sure people have told you it is cold up there, but you won't believe how cold until you actually experience it with the wind whipping down the canal.

May you make many fond memories in Houghton. Go Huskies!