Question for LEO's: Are Glocks the true thug guns?

Are Glocks the most common among armed suspects/criminals?

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New member
Glocks seem to have a reputation as being the weapon of choice among villians and ne'er-do-wells. In your experience as an LEO, are Glocks among the majority of confiscated weapons or being the preferred weapons among criminals?


New member
Same here. Very few Glocks.

Lots of Lorcins, High Points......some Taurus. High percentage are stolen or purchased by the straw ho.

Not one IL revolver though. Even the miscreants are smart enough to avoid those. :) Regards 18DAI.


New member
My daughter did a research paper in high school about guns used in crime. Ditto the Bryco, Jennings and other low end guns. Stolen also showed up very well. The criminals with Glocks are only in the movies.

Jeff #111

New member
Over the years I remember confiscating a Walther P99, Ruger P89, Ruger Blackhawk and a Colt Official Police. They were all stolen. Everything else has been Brycos, Hi-Points, Jennings, Stars, ect.

Other officers have confiscated the occassional S&W, Colt, Glock, Taurus etc. But the cheaper guns are the most common it seems.


New member
Glocks seem to be rarely used by criminals. If they are used it's likely that they're stolen firearms or they're carried by "rich" thugs.

Usually they're sub-$400 retail guns, like S&W Sigmas, Taurus, Charter Arms, Hi-Points, Ruger P-Series etc.

And some brands/makes considered by many to be "Saturday Night Specials". (edited to avoid confusion)
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New member
Thug Guns

Nope - I don't see any lrelationship between someone being a Thug and any particular weapon (expecially not any that arn't dirt cheap).

A Thug with a knife is not likely to be someone who has an expensive 'hollow-ground, hand made, blah blah blah.
(Sorry knife fans, I don't know the lingo to describe a high end knife).

A Thug with a knife is a pos who is willing to stab someone to take their property.

A Thug with a .45ACP, a 12gauge, a knife, or a hammer is a Thug.
The tool used doesn't define them - the willingness to treat other a prey is the defining trait..


New member
"[Usually they're sub-$400 retail guns]"
I Guess used Glocks for sub $400 :rolleyes: IF the P-series Ruger is a Saturday night special Well They are some Great Guns & alot of Law abiding people have em ; )


New member
Not a problem Austinjking....And I don't mind at all..
I found that site by accident and it seemed very useful to me...I'm glad to share..


New member
Depends on your location and the type of "thug" you are talking about. The ones in California have a regular trade going out of Nevada and the street prices are commonly known. The people involved are not usually small time criminals and don't sit around for confiscation.


New member
90% are stolen and of all brands.

A public service announcement: record the serial number of every firearm you own irregardless of it's valve and if it is stolen, always report it. It will show stolen in a nationwide database forever until removed by the entering agency. Any LEO anywhere can check a gun for stolen 24/7 by having the dispatcher run the serial number. Most people know this, but some might not. It is not limited to firearms either, basically anything of value with serial number.

C Philip

New member
I wonder if criminals prefer cheap guns for the same reason they don't usually use holsters - so they can easily/cheaply toss the gun. One might be more hesitant to throw away a high dollar firearm when being chased by police, just the same as it would be fairly difficult to take off a solid IWB holster when running. It's not like drug dealers are short on cash, so this would be my guess.


New member
I Guess used Glocks for sub $400 IF the P-series Ruger is a Saturday night special Well They are some Great Guns & alot of Law abiding people have em ; )

I didn't mean to say any of those guns were "Saturday Night Specials", I intended that to be a separate category from the other guns I listed.


New member
Why do the movie thugs shoot those low end glocks sideways, anyways?

Anybody know? Seems like the hip hoppers seem to like turning the gun 90 degrees when they point it. Anybody ever notice that?


New member
I did notice the turning sideways thing . It's so they can get a bunch of hot cases in their face . Ever notice how the hip hoppers seen to skew everything they touch , hat on backwards or sideways , pants halfway down their backsides, gun turned so they cant even see the sights. No one ever accused them of being smart.......LOUD