Question for JohnKSa - Bullet weight charts


New member

A few months ago, in one of those silly "my caliber is better than your caliber debates," you made a great post. You put up a graph of color-differentiated calibers on an x/y axis of velocity and projectile weight.

Brilliant, as it was a real debate-ender since it showed quite clearly where the values lay. I have searched and searched but can't find it (it was in a .357 vs. 10mm debate, as I recall). Can you repost it or point to it? I'd like to be able to reference people to your data compilation, which you clearly spent some time doing.



I compiled this information in mid 2006, and at that time it included all the loads from all the manufacturers who posted ballistics information for their ammunition online. As I recall it took me a couple of days to find it, poke it all in and figure out useful ways to plot it.

While the general conclusions drawn from the data are still valid, if you go looking for a specific load to match the bullet weight/energy/power factor of one on the charts, you may not be able to find it. For example, PMC no longer sells much ammunition in the U.S., and CorBon has dropped or changed some of their 10mm loadings. Likewise, there are some new loadings introduced in the last two years that aren't shown on the charts.

Hope it helps!




New member
Thank you, John. That is the chart I meant. It's very helpful to have an objective data source to refer to. Nice work putting that all together. Thanks for sharing that again so we can reference it when needed.


New member
Those charts are fun to play with but remember, Bullets are like Snowflakes, no two are the same, even the same bullet out of the same gun.

I discovered in my CSI days, serveral Autopsys, you cannot predict what a bullet will do. I've seen cases where a person lived with a 44 mag gut shot. I've seen cases where a 22 gut shot killed a person almost instantly.

Get a hold of PO Ackley's Books, they did a lot of shooting all kinds of critter (including people) you'd be supprised what happens in real life.

Bullets are like women, you can never predict what they will do. Thats why the FALLURE TO STOP DRILLS have come about, "two in the chest, one in the head".