Question for CCW license holders.


New member
I've been debating a concealed weapon license here for some time now. So here's my question: Has anyone with a permit ever found themself in a position where they needed it? Urban or rural, doesn't matter. And by "needed it" I mean did you have to draw it to defend yourself, and if so did you have to fire?

Just curious. If you don't want to add details, no worries. I just want to see how many people the licenses have served well.


New member
I currently do not have a CCW license, but I do carry, as there is no permit required in the state of Alaska. I do understand the responsibilties required when carrying a loaded firearm on me, and it's mostly common sense. Anyway, I did actually have to draw on a drunk guy that nearly broke into my car in a Wal-Mart parking lot. I came out of the store after doing a bit of shopping, and found a guy standing next to my car, just about ready to swing at my car window with his bare fist. I literally hauled butt up to him, and confronted him about what he was doing with my car. He looked at me, and right then I could tell he was pretty wasted. He then, snarled, and pulled out a knife that had about a six inch blade on it, and started walking towards me with it. I then backed up, and yelled at him to back off, and frantically looked for any witnesses that may have been in the area, but I saw nobody, as my car was parked clear across the other side of the parking lot. I then felt around in my coat for something I could use to defend myself with. I felt my 357 snubnose revolver I had taken to the range the previous day. I then pulled it out, and took aim at his head. Once his eyes met the barrel of my gun, he turned right back around and stumbled as fast as he could out of there. I breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly got in my car and hauled out of there as fast as I could to avoid further trouble. Now, I probably should have called the authorities about my encounter, but I was too terrified, and I just wanted to go home. I hope I NEVER have to do that again, but I am glad I had my 357 on me, otherwise I could either be dead or seriously scarred for life.

Oh and by the way, I had used ALL ammo at the range the previous day, so I pulled an empty gun on the guy. I consider myself lucky to this day, that the guy didn't keep advancing towards me.


New member

Can't remember who said this originally, maybe Jeff Cooper?

"You never really need a handgun...until you really, REALLY need a handgun"

Regardless of whether or not I've ever been in a situation that I;ve had to use my CCW, this is why I have one.


New member
Not yet, and hope i dont have to ever.
Although ive had a can of fix-a-flat in my car since i got my license at 16, but never had a flat.


New member
Doesnt matter. The question you should be asking is; Where do you want your weapon to be if you find your or your families life in danger? Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.


New member
Its been a comfort more than once.

First time was when a deranged individual went 'off his rocker' at a church gathering. Fortunately he found his way out of the building.

Second time was what I believe to be an attempted mugging. Situational awareness (and a mistake made by the supposed muggers accomplice) helped me get out of that situation unharmed.

Not to mention the handful of encounters with aggressive dogs that came near to getting shot.

If I ever have to clear leather I probably wouldn't want to discuss it openly either.


New member
I've been carrying for 18 years now and have never had the need to use my weapon. On the other hand, I've been driving for 30 years and have never had need to use my seatbelt.

Amnesia Wes

New member

You're considering the merit of a getting a CCW?

Are you also planning on cancelling your car and life insurance policies, or maybe throwing away your smoke detectors and fire extinguishers?

The same logic applies...



New member
I thought everyone had CCW permits.

I don't know a gunowner anywhere near me who doesn't CCW. So, your question should be, "hey, everybody, ever have to shoot anyone?"
You won't get an answer. Look in the news, you'll find the few stories. Look on NRA's website, and they list each month.


New member
I've cleared leather once, never had to fire. Just having a handgun has been a comfort on more occassions than I can count, however.

Ace On The Line

New member
I would say that if you're having to debate the question then you're obviously not ready for a CCW permit. It comes with responsibilities beyond just carrying a weapon. What others may have encountered should have no barring on such an important personal commitment, ie...because I may have had to use my weapon in a deadly confrontation shouldn't be the reason why you get a permit or don't get a permit.


New member
I've carried for over 40 years and have never been in a situation where I felt I had to draw. However, there has been more than once I was in a high state of anticipation and was glad to be armed.

Dave R

New member
Have had a CCW for 6 years.

Have drawn once, on a camping trip. Thought it was a bear. It was a dog.

Have been glad I had it several other times.