Question for all the TFL constitutional scholars


New member
Why should a state be a part of the United States?

I am not asking this as any sort of reason or justification for a states secession, please don’t take it that way. I am merely wondering what each person here thinks is the reason their state should be a part of the Union. Every state might differ, for instance Road Island might say they are too small to be self sufficient and by being a part of the Union they can enjoy a better economy than they would apart from it (I am pulling that out of my hat so don’t sweat the example). What reasons do you think there are for this confederation of states?

[edited to be more clear]
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New member
1. Economy of scale for national defense.

2. A bigger free market helps even local businesses prosper.


New member
The reality of it , even when our founding fathers made it a point about state rights.

1. Economics, same currency, trade rules, etc,
2. National defense (They just got through with a war and the world wasn't a whole lot less hostile) They had the British still to the north , French to the west and Spanish to the south. The path of Imperialism was still going strong.
A uniform front had to be in place and each state knew it couldn't stand alone. Hence the "Unitied States."

Watch history..The names and faces may change. But the plot remains the same.

:cool: :cool: :cool:

glock glockler

New member
Economy of scale for national defense.

Depending on the state, you might not even bother. Does Idaho really need a military? Unless it fears the US launching an armed invasion (which it might), there really is not much point. The Dutch approach might work fine.

A bigger free market helps even local businesses prosper

Half of this problem would be solved by that state having low trade restrictions, but the US might not reciprocate, so there's mud in your eye.

It looks like a double edged blade, the cost/benefit might be worth it or it might not be.


New member
So to sum up so far.

The reasons for a state to be a part of the United States boils down to:
1) Better public defense against foreign threats (seems to be the overriding reason?)
2) Larger economic base
3) Convenience (or did I miss your point Mike?)

Nothing else?!