Question about two handguns...

From a buyer/seller stand point, what are these two guns worth to each party? Both are in good shape. Thanks

S&W Model 15-2 from 1965 in .38spl w/ black t-grip

Astra Model 600 from 1943 in 9mm(Not Nazi owned, part of 2nd order they never received)
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New member

Both guns are worth at least $250 on the auction market and are great shooters. The Smith has gone for as much as $550 in auctions. The trigger boot would make the Smith's legendary good trigger even lighter feeling. Nazi marks on any Astra drives up the price for collectors. Condition of the bore and actions on the guns could raise the price, if in above average condition.
Thanks for posting. But there are NO German Nazi proof marks on the the Astra. It's serial# is 12xxx and the German's recevied up to Serial#10542, I think. And I have no idea how my wifes grandpa took possesion of it:confused:. He was in WWII like my dad was. All I know is Spain in 1951 sold the 2nd lot of Astra's to the West German Police. But yes, I hear both are great shooters.



New member
Both guns are worth at least $250 on the auction market and are great shooters. The Smith has gone for as much as $550 in auctions.
The replating job on the S&W is going to hurt its value substantially. The trigger and hammer should have a color case finish, the finish on the cylinder latch should match the frame, and the rear sight (including the sight base along the topstrap) should be matte black. Most S&W collectors are sticklers for originality and frown at garish modifications like gold accents. :rolleyes:

I'd say $250 is doable, but $550, not so much. That price would be for a LNIB gun with original finish, tool kit, and documents.


New member
I'd say $250 is doable, but $550, not so much.

This sounds about right. Guns which have been refinished from the original usually decrease in price. Looks like the hammer has been modified as well and the stocks are a bit beat up. It's value is as a shooter so condition of the barrel, cylinder and the action come into play. f those are in good shape 250. could work.

The Astra could go for a bit more depending on where you live but on Auctionarms it good go for 3-500.

We'll I just sold the two plus a real old FN Browning Auto 5 shotgun for $825. So I think I did ok, dont you think? And your right they are not collector's grade firearm's, just really good shooter's. Why own a gun if you can't shoot it is my motto.;)


New member
Hey, this is the first Astra 600 besides my own that I have seen here!

I don't know about the Smith, but the Astra should fetch around 350-500 depending on the condition. Do you still have the original holster and the extra mag that comes with it?

Addendum: I didn't read the last post. oops. If you don't mind my asking, why did you sell the Astra (aside from the fact that it feels like you're shooting a pipe wrench?)