Question about Rugers

Cool Hand

New member
Does anyone really know what year Ruger began stamping the warning on the side of their firearms. If its not too much to ask, could you also state why they did it.


New member
I researched this question a year or so ago when trying to purchase a NM blackhawk as a gift. We were really turned off by the "Manual on the Barrel" stamping. I read that it started c. 1978. We found a 1st year model from '73 without that, and NIB, so got around it! From my experience, 1978 seems to be about when the plague began.

44 AMP

I can't tell you exactly, but between 76 and 83

I have a Ruger No. 3 marked "made in the 200th year of Ameican Liberty", which was 1976, and I bought a new Ruger Blackhawk in 1983 which has the "warning...etc..." on the barrel. So sometime between those dates is the best I can do.

Citizen Carrier

New member
I've read of instances where people have removed the warning stamps on the barrels of Rugers, by turning them on a lathe or some other means, but at some point had to return the gun to Ruger for repairs.

When they got the gun back, Ruger had restamped the barrel with the warning.


They have to. Any gun that leaves the Ruger factory has to have the warning, it was a condition of the lawsuit.


New member
Look at the bright side, if you ever are having to wait in line somewhere, you can kill a few minutes with some light reading!

And as far as I can tell, it has not bothered any of my Rugers' shot placement.

"Oh No! That darned lightened up side of my Ruger (From not as much metal as the other side) keeps leaning over and ruining my shot!" I guess that would be as good as an excuse as any... I may have to try it out sometime.

And then with a non-Ruger, you could blame inaccuracy on the fact that you are used to a "Non-balanced" gun, and shooting this balanced gun threw you off! Hey, another good one! "Darned balanced guns... Forget the barn door, I can't hit an entire barn with this thing."


New member
Just buy a KP-95....

I had to check to see where the warning is on mine.... not on the slide but on the grip and very hard to see.

It the nature of our world / society.... you got to have warnings on things...

"don't stick head in oven while it is on...."

coffee is hot.....

ice cream is cold....

smoking is bad for you...

this drug that will cure your headache will give you the runs and make you impotent and grow a third breast.....


New member

I don't understand stupid people. If they buy a gun, don't realize that it is
dangerous, and shoot themselves with it, it's their fault.

But, eventually because of stupid people who don't take responsibility for
their own actions, we'll have warnings on everything. Mark my words.

There will be a warning on the inside of your door that says "Walking out
this door may lead to serious injury or death". Of course, there will have
to be a warning sign on the outside of the door as well "Walking in this
door may lead to serious injury or death. Possible causes are carbon
monoxide poisoning, angry wife with a superfluous third nipple, surprised
gigalo, ..."

Of course, there would have to be a warning on every car we buy.
Eventually, some moron will sue Toyota saying that he didn't know a car
was dangerous.

It will never stop. When selective pressure stopped, humans stopped
evolving. Now, there's increasing evidence that our gene pool is getting
polluted with the moron gene and it's not getting weeded out as it would
be in the wild :eek:




New member
It will never stop. When selective pressure stopped, humans stopped

Hee hee. There are lots of things influencing the human race. The biggest is differential fertility. Most industrialized nations don't have replacement fertility. Countries like South Korea, Spain, and Italy are very nearly putting themselves out of existence. But other countries and cultures have very high fertility (e.g. Catholics and Muslims). The low fertility people will unavoidably be replaced by the high fertility people.

There is also abortion. It gets rid of so many people there have got to be effects on the population. These may be eugenic.

Car wrecks also kill a lot of people in their reproductive years. This may be having some effect also.


New member
Some are not very noticable as you can see from the picture of my P90.


It started in 1978. I've had them removed from several of my guns, like this one. Got no use for that nonsense.


44 AMP

This could be where we are going


It isn't the stupid people that are the problem, we have always had stupid people (apparently we breed them faster than we eliminate them), it is the lawyers and judges that gladly agree to take and hear cases (for which they get paid) that in an earlier era were considered too foolish to waste time and money on.

Previous generations were not afraid to look at a case, and if warrented, decide that "your client is an idot. case dismissed".

Today it is all about greed, no matter what happens, or who is actually at fault, there is a overwhelming compulsion that "someone must pay", and since companies (no matter how small) are believed to have deeper pockets than the injured individuals, that's who usually gets stuck with the bill. Juries do this often as a way of "sticking it to the man", and lawyers are happy to take their cut.

The only defense against this seems to be clear warning on all products, otherwise, even if they win, manufacturers have to spend large amounts of money defending themselves.

Since anyone (and everyone) can sue anyone (and everyone) for anything, and blame or fault can only be decided in court (or settled out of court) this is where we are, and where we are going to stay until enough people can rediscover the moral strength that was had in the past.


New member
Warning messages on each individual round.

Soon we'll have warning messages on each individual cartridge.

"Warning: This is a cartridge. If you put it in a handgun and pull the
trigger, it may go BANG. The sound will be very loud, and the bullet that
comes out of the pointy end of the handgun will be traveling very fast.
Do not point the pointy end of the handgun at your foot."

And, what would lawyers do without stupid people? They would be out
of business that's what.


New member
"This drug that will cure your headache will give you the runs and make you impotent and grow a third breast."

Actually, that's the kind of warning I'd like in bold, size 16 font, and attached to one of those greeting card sound chips that will trigger every time you open the bottle.

Think I'd make due with the headache :D