Question about Red stag hunts in Maine

Jack O'Conner

New member

I've been fascinated with hunting "exotics" for several years. That is, animals which are not native to North America. Red stag are European cousins to North American elk.

I enjoyed a hunt for Russian boar in both northern California and Pennsylvania.

Now I'm ready for red stag. Maine has a number of hunting preserves of varying acreage and pricing. But I have zero comprehension of good, bad, or ugly operations. Any helpful insight is much appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your feedback.

This photo was copied from a Maine hunting preserve website. Truthfully, I've never met this hunter. This stag's "crown" is symmetrical and very appealing to me.

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New member
My father-in-law has a beautiful crowned Red Stag taken off an exotic ranch in TX. He won the trip for taking a record aoudad many years ago. The Stag is my favorite mount out of 15 or so exotics. It's a full shoulder mount placed on a bed of natural stone. The antler tips rise well above my head with the shoulder placed 6 inches above the floor. I should take some pictures and share them.

I can't offer much in the way of advise. I will wish you the best of luck. He said the meat was not very tasty. He was in full rut.
I live in Maine and know where this place is. I hear that is an OK operation and he has a decent chunk of land. It is all high fenced, state law, so I won't go there but if it is OK for you then do it. Maine is beautiful in the winter with snow.


New member
That would be a pretty addition to the wall. I have read about hunting preserves in Missouri, Texas, and North or South Carolina that all have red stags. The one in Texas also has blackbuck, and oryx!