Question about NY City and NY State AWB.

Nickel Plated

New member
Just wanted to know, is the NY City and NY State AWB the same law or are they seperate?

For instance all the talk about owning rifles in NYS says that as long as it has only 2 evil features it's not an AW. And if it doesn't have a removable mag, then you get all the evil features you want.

However, looking at the NYPD (NYC) application for a rifle permit, it outlines the AWB and basically says that a semi-automatic rifle with even one of ANY evil feature makes it an AW, and does not mention any sort of fixed mag exemption. So even with a bullet button, your totally harmless Mini-14 Ranch Rifle would be illegal in the City if you put just a bayonet lug on it.

Also it bans many guns by name, regardless of evil features. In that list it says "ALL AK-47s & All AR-15s" However what about a Saiga? It's based on an AK action, but nowhere on the gun is it labeled an "AK-47". Not to mention that if it's a 5.45 or a 5.56 Saiga, then it's not even a "47" Also pretty much everyone other than Colt label their guns something other than "AR-15" like "Panther" or M&P-15, etc. So would this technicality work in the city sort of how it does in Cali where "Colt AR-15s" are banned but the same exact rifle from DPMS or Bushmaster would be OK since it's not a "Colt" or an "AR-15".

Just curious really.


NYC banned all assault rifles, period. As a matter of fact those who had them registered were told to get rid of them and had to show a receipt from a gun store as proof that it was disposed of. If it wasn't done then your license would be revoked and all guns would have to be surrendered.

What's OK in the rest of the state is ignored by NYC. They won't even recognize carry permits issued outside the city unless you're a retired PO from within the state, or if they authorized carrying in the city themselves. You can't even order ammo through the mail like you can throughout the state.

Call police HQ at 1 Police Plaza. I'm retired many years, but I think the number was 212 374-5000. Ask them who you can speak to regarding long guns. I don't think pistol license section handles that. As a matter of fact there has to be a phone# you can call on the application. This forum has many knowledgeable people on it, but is not the place to get the answers you need. When it comes to guns Bloomberg and Kelly aren't fooling around.
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New member
Its a shame the way gun laws are in NYS, I have a few friends in Pa and they can have large capacity mags, collapsible stocks, bayonet lugs etc that we can not have.
They drafted guys into the military and put a full auto gun in your hands and when you get back if yours lucky enough to get back, your not good enough to have the semi auto arm of your choice. You go through every requirement and back ground check etc but still not good enough to be able to have what most other states allow.
Its just not right.


Except where NYC is concerned, it is legal to possess aw's and hc mags that where mfg prior to Sept '94. These were grandfathered in and I guess you have to be thankful for the little things. Of course active police officers don't have to comply, but retired do.