Question about my Maverick M88


New member
Ok, here is the deal. I receintly bought a Maverick M88 12 gage Security Model. It says it has a 6-shot capacity. Now, I automatically thought that only applied to 2 3/4 " shells. I assume I am right (someone correct me if I am wrong). Anyway, I take it to the range and attempt to put 6 shells in the magazine tube. It only takes 5. So does the advertised "6-shot capacity" actually mean "5+1-shot capacity"? Can someone elaborate on my problem? Any help you can offer would be of help. Thanks in advance. :)


New member
Yes, it should be 5 +1 shots of 2 3/4" or3" shells.
Remington 870 is advertised as 5 shot shotgun and it hold 4 + 1 shots of 2 3/4" or 3" shells.

Andrew Wyatt

New member
I had this experience with my 500 as well. I felt cheated untill i found out that shotguns are wierd and capacities are stated differently from pistols and rifles.
I always just count the capacity of the magazine when i say how many rounds my gun holds.