Question about M1A reliability


New member
Don't know why I am admitting this embarrassing story online but here we go:

So I tell the wife when I get back from Iraq I really want to by myself a Springfield M1a. Get back and driving by a gun shop that she actually lets me stop in. Beautiful M1a used but looks new (owner said was his and only 20 rnds through her...I know, probably not the case but the thing looked unfired!) Wife actually lets me buy it!!!
So shooting with the gun for the second time about 6 months ago. My buddy has his FAL and we are talkin about the qualities of the two weapons. He fires off his 3 rounds and as its my turn, pull the trigger and NOTHING MOVES. I mean the trigger is locked in place. Very Embarrassing. At this point he's looking very smug with his FAL. I hate those guns even more now!
Take it back to the dealer and he tears out the triger assembly and goes back in his office for about 5 min. Comes back re-installs it and gun works fine. I have shot the thing for maybe 100 rnds since and no prob. Talked to my unit armorer (a few days before I went on terminal leave) and he said that he had seen this problem with a few of ours overseas (we had 1 M-14/1a per squad.)
So my real question is: Is this a common occurance? Does this mean that my very expensive gun is not trustworthy? Or was this a one time thing in you all's expert opinion?


Thank you in advance....just gave the AR to the wife and would hate to have to confiscate it back! :)

wayne in boca

New member
Relax,your M1A is one of the most reliable semi-auto rifles on the planet.Your gunsmith friend had probably mis-assembled something (that's why he didn't let you see him fix it) and just put it back together right.FAL owners all look smug.I am a FAL owner and I look smug too.Your turn to look smug after you get good with your M1A.Enjoy.
Other than operator error (safety is engaged), I'm still trying to figure out what wasn't installed correctly that would cause this problem. I'll have to think about it.

If it's any consolation, I was at the range and some deputy with a FN type rifle had cycling problem (no ejection). After working with him and the gun for a while it was determined that he hadn't opened the gas port enough. After it was opened up, it worked flawlessly.


New member
I agree with Wayne in boco, I carried an M-14 while in the military and fired thousands of trouble free rounds, some with the full auto version, some with the semi auto. I now own a Springfield Armory NM M1A and love it. Get yourself a manual so that you don't have to rely on anyone to service your weapon. Good luck with your new gun.
