Question about CCW and leaving weapon in the car....


New member
Welp, I just got my CCW about 2 weeks ago and finished my Handgun Orientation class at Sigarms Academy yesterday. Now I'm looking to buy my first handgun and I plan on carrying, most likely IWB, once I decide what pistol I'd like to buy. My question is in regards to what I should do when I go to work. I am a full-time firefighter and for legal reasons we are not allowed to have any firearm on or in the firehouse for any reason. If I'm going to carry, then I'm going all the way and I will have it on me when I get to work...

What, if any, are the laws regarding having the firearm in the car? Could I lock it in a smal pistol safe under my seat and be legal? I haven't found anything that leads me to believe that I could get in trouble for doing this, but I wanted to run it by people who may have or may be in a similar situation. The only other option would be for me to leave the pistol at home and that, to me, doesn't sound like the best case scenario in my situation.

Any thoughts?


New member
You would be fine doing that in New hampshire. If you are concerned about the laws around here check out they have some great info. How was the academy? I have been thinking of going.


New member
Someone on this forum or another locked their CCW gun to the seat bracket in their car with a pair of handcuffs.


New member
I lock mine to the under seat rail with a Master cable lock. Clear weapon, lock slide back, drop cable down through magazine well & secure under seat.


New member
Thanks for the replies guys. I'll double check the laws here and make sure it's ok, but it seems like locking it in the car shouldn't be a problem.

ChuckT, Sigarms was great. My wife and I took the Handgun Orientation class and we both thought it was presented very well and we both got a lot out of it. We spent the morning in the classroom going over handgun operation, safety, and basic handgun shooting style and stance. Ed Fasold was our instructor and he has over 20 years in the "teams" and his knowledge and ability to present it was top rate. I will definately be heading back to Sigarms Academy for future classes as time and money permit.


New member

Do you have private lockers in your "house"? If so, maybe investing in a Dillon Safepacker or other "non-holster' would work. You could carry your piece discretely to the locker room and secure.


New member
Just lock the car doors and dont sweat it...if someone breaks into your car to get it, you wont be held liable for "leaving a gun available within reach of a minor"..if the minor breaks int oyour car to get your gun, youre ok..although u will lose your gun,lol...

Why not carry it??


New member
There's no laws preventing you from locking the gun in the car. Every once in while I have need to do the same and usually just toss my gun in the glove box and lock both the gove box and the car doors. I would assume the chance of having your car broken into while parked at the fire station isn't very likely.

And I agree, Ed Fasold is an awesome instructor... I'm counting my pennies to take more courses at the Academy myself.


New member
I'd love to be able to carry my piece while on the job, but it just won't happen. There are very specific rules and guidelines against carrying a firearm. My contract states that I cannot be laid off for any reason (try getting that in a contract anywhere!!) except for very specific circumstances, this being one of them.

If you have noticed your local fire departments in the last few years have gone from wearing the "typical" uniform of pressed shirts/pants with badges and the like to a more "average" pant with either logo'd T-shirts or logo'd Polo shirts with big "FIRE/RESCUE/EMS" on the front and back for good reason. When we role up on scene, we want BGs shooting at the LEOs and not at us! The perception has changed and we DO NOT want to be mistaken for the police while on scene. Any firearm known to be carried or possibly being allowed to carry on a firefighter tells the BGs that "we're just another goddamn cop"... Not a perception any department is willing to make in order to defend ourselves and with good reason..... My turnout gear isn't bullet resistant... :p

But if someone were to come into the station and start blasting, I at least have some recourse if I can make it to my car in time.....


New member
Car Gun

You need to check your state laws. It varies from state to state.
Here in Colorado its legal to have a loaded handgun with you in the car. You are required to lock the doors when you are not in the car.


New member
Leaving Guns in the Car in Seattle

If leaving a gun in a car was illegal here, the Chief of Police would be serving time. He left his in his car and it was stolen :eek: . State law doesn't require that the gun itself be secured in the car other than just "concealed"

"RCW 9.41.050

(2): A person shall not carry or place a loaded pistol in any vehicle unless the person has a license to carry a concealed pistol and: (a) The pistol is on the licensee's person, (b) the licensee is within the vehicle at all times that the pistol is there, or (c) the licensee is away from the vehicle and the pistol is locked within the vehicle and concealed from view from outside the vehicle."

Common sense might dictate some additional secutity, wouldn't it?