Question about ammo


New member
I just saw this advertised on
Hornady leverevolution 140gr elastomer flex tip in .357 and was wondering if it would be good in my 686 for home protection.I currently use 110 gr .38's in all my h/p guns but wanted to step up to a .357 so i can carry it also.

I want to simplify what i carry when i'm in the woods and c/c to.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
That ammo is a special breed made to be shot in lever action rifles. It's the same as other polymer-tip rounds except that it's soft and squishy. Lever guns always used blunt nose bullets in the past due to the risk of the point on the bullet touching the primer of the next one causing a BANG during recoil. Worse yet, a chain reaction BANG BANG BANG. The soft plastic prevents that scenario.

In a revolver they work roughly the same as a hollow point. It's supposed to work better than a plain HP because the polymer aids expansion. I can tell you that on Hornady's rifle bullets with the hard plastic it works fantastically, never shot the squishy stuff.


New member
They might NOT work very well in a short barreled gun. Since there made specifically for a lever action rifle the powder might be made to bun in longer barrels and not so well in short barrels.
Before you put your dollars down you might want to contact Hornady


New member
Good thoughts,the label did say it was safe for all rifles and handguns but i'll still call.Btw the gun i'll be using it in is a 4 inch barrel

Jim March

New member
I've bought a little bit of it and shot some. Seems accurate enough, but in terms of raw power it's a bit down from most good 357s. I have some concerns about whether it will expand well in a 4" range barrel...Hornady often tunes their stuff for "deep punch" and needs a head of steam to work well.


New member
Jim, your experience seems to corroborate Ozzieman's suspicion - it may very well be that this ammo is loaded with slower burning powder more appropriate to a barrel length much longer than a typical revolver, and therefore not completely burning before the bullet has exited the barrel.


New member
i shot some in .44 when they first came out. couldnt tell much difference with the 7.5" sbh(over standard hollow points) as far as accuracy/recoil go.