question about 22


New member
Does a 10 mile an hour wind have much effect on a 22 shooting at 25 meters? If I shoot 20 to 30 times during a five minute period and do this over and over does the barrel getting hot have any effect on aiming?



New member
Check these articles on 22LR wind drift

Here is a pretty good set of articles on wind drift that should answer your question.

Actually, gusts will cause more problems for you than a steady breeze.
At 25 meters and 10 mph, it is about 0.2 inches. Unless you're trying to shoot groups under 1 MOA, it shouldn't be too big a deal, even with 10 mph gusts.


New member
Barrel heating

If you have a thin barrel, it might get warm, but with 22 LRs they really don't get hot, at least I haven't noticed that on my two thin barrelled rifles. 0.920 inch bull barrels you can shoot all day and they seem to only get slightly warm.

If the barrel isn't too hot to touch, you probably aren't going to see any deflection or harmonic variations with a 22LR even with a thin barrel.

Now with my .270 Winchester, the barrel gets really hot - so hot you can't touch it. You can see the effect on its thin barrel on the 4th shot. After 3, the 4th and 5th shots move out further and further to the right at 2 o'clock. That turns tight groups into "good but not great groups".

But with a hunting rifle, you're not supposed to be firing more than one anyway. The first two or three are well under 1 MOA with ammo the rifle likes.


New member
Wind drift tends to increase exponentially with distance. Double the shooting distance and wind drift tends to approximately quadruple.
At 25 meters, the wind drift of a .22 long rifle is almost unnoticeable.
Go to 100 meter shooting and the wind drift is quite noticeable.
Shoot at 200 meter targets and you better not ignore the wind.