Quality high capacity 10/22 magazines


New member
I have a ruger 10/22 and I go through the 25 round magazines like crazy. They just don't last long at all. Do any of yall know of any good quality 25 round or higher mags for the 10/22?


New member
Not hands-on familiar with the 25-rnd Ruger 10/22 mags but aren't they kinda the cream of the crop and well regarded? I mean, they're not a well kept secret...


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I remember when Ramline introduced the first 10/22 banana clips with plastic feed lips. They worked till the plastic began to wear away then it was jam-o-matic junk.

Next came Butler Creek with a better quality red plastic feed lip.....big improvement.

Mitchell offered a 50 round tear drop drum with metal lips that were great, but not cheap. Along came the Clinton AWB and they disappeared from the marketplace.

Then everyone discovered that the metal feed lips were the most reliable and almost everyone offers them.

Why it took Ruger so long to catch on is a mystery, but they make the nicest ones out there now.


New member
The Ruger BX-25 has been just as reliable as the standard 10-rounders in my experience. I don't see the point in settling for anything less.


New member
The Butler Creek mags with steel lips have also been every bit as reliable as the factory 10 round mags. In fact I have a few 10 round Butler Creek mags that I much prefer over the factory mags if I don't want something hanging way below the stock. They protrude just enough to be easier to insert and remove than factory but not enough to get in the way.

The ones with plastic lips are very reliable until the plastic lips wear out. And that takes a while. None of the others have been worth having.

I need to try one of the Ruger mags too. I have no doubt they work just fine, but I already have enough of the Butler Creeks


New member
Some 10-22s (like mine) are picky about bullet shape. Mine HATES conical profile bullets.
Not knocking the Ruger in any way, but the adjustable ones will allow conical profile bullets to feed well. so if your 10-22 is a picky eater its a way to fix the problem.


New member
The Ruger factory BX-25 is the way to go . I have heard that the Black Dog's are as good as any but have never owned one . Good to hear someone speak for the Buttler Creek I may pick up a couple of thoes too .


New member
My BX25 has been great A little cleaning and some silicone spray keep it miving. RF ammo is dirty and it eventually guns up the mag workings.


New member
The Butler creek steel lipped ones and the ruger bx 25 ones are best in my personal rifles.
At the shop, the ruger bx 25 ones are the only ones that keep up with the fa 10/22.
If that matters.


New member
BX-25 magazines are amazing. I have one Ramline 20 rounder that rarely misses a beat. Occasionally FTF but I don't rely on it, it's just my plinking mag. I use my BX-25's when I need reliability And when I do drills.