Q's about M1As and stripper clips


New member
i have a few stripper clips, silver and gold in color, for .308. I attempted to load them using the guide on the rifle, and it does not line up with the back of the mag. After fuddling with it, i can eventually charge the gun. Do you have to be pretty deliberate in lining up the clip with the mag? for reference, they load easily with the charger and a magazine.


New member
Are you really sure that they are for .308 AND for the M1A? I know of only parkerized M14 stipper clips...

IME, it takes only a firm shove of the clip into the guide, followed by a firm cram of my thumb, to load the 5 rounds rather quickly. It works best if you have your thumb back next to the stripper clip. At mid-case or forward, they can hang up.



New member
yeah, the guides i have are silver and gold in color. Perhaps they are 8mm ? They load into mags with the charger very easily. However, they do not line up with the mag while the mag is in the gun.


New member
chiz45, they may be 8mm or '03 clips. We can try some M14 stripper clips I have. You need to make sure the stripper clip is pushed all the way down into the magazine. It is also possible that the commercial stripper guide is a hair too narrow where the clip fits in.

Let me know when you want your Mojave stock installed. :cool: