Q about Marlin lever

Can someone say if this is a fault condition or normal?
I have an older Marlin 336 dated about 1976, lacking the cross bolt safety as on newer versions. When the rifle is fully cocked and ready to fire, there is free play in the trigger. I can wiggle it forward and rearward about 3/8 inch easily. The rifle shoots well. Is there perhaps a spring missing or broken or is it normal to have this free play? I might take it apart and check it out or leave it be depending on what you guys say. I don't know if the inner parts for newer models or diagrams apply to the older production. Thanks.
"Unique, two-piece design eliminates annoying flop of the Marlin factory trigger"

Okay thanks so much for the quick reply. I see it is typical and known as trigger flop. No need for inspection or repair.
Thanks again.


New member
Somebody say something about a 'Q'?


sorry I couldn't resist.
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While it can be eliminated, the trigger "flop" is only a problem, if it bothers you, or affects you ability to shoot the rifle well.

The "flop" of the trigger actually has a beneficial effect, giving the trigger some "wiggle room" if you should brush/touch it with your finger(s) while working the lever. While it may not prevent a painful pinch, having some trigger flop means that it might decrease the odds of it happening...


New member
I have a '70's 336 in .35 rem, and yes it does have that flop too. But man does it have a nice, light trigger to be factory. :) love those old Marlins. Sadly they don't make 'em like they used to. Just embrace the floppiness, after all the gun is nearly 40, a little floppiness is to be expected by that age;)


New member
I have the trigger happy kit from wild west guns on my 1894, It was a night and day difference. not only removing the "flop" but over all a much nicer trigger.

EDIT: As others have said after a bit I never even noticed the "flop". But still recommend the trigger happy kit for a lighter crisper feel.


New member
thanks, I never thought that I'd ever be the guy making ST jokes.

as for the OP so I'm not just posting irrelevant jokes. I have no clue myself, all of my experience is with the newer safety style.


New member
I'm ok with it now that I know it is typical.
Just not used to it from handling so many newer rifles.

I have no clue myself, all of my experience is with the newer safety style.

Don't the newer Marlins have the trigger flop anymore? I have an 1894c made around 2000 with the cross bolt safety and that had the trigger flop (before the trigger happy kit).


New member
I had an 88 1894 and my brother in law has a 2011 1895, both use the same safety style so I'm guessing 88 used the new style. neither have the trigger flop that I've noticed.