Putting slim grips and maybe SRT on a spur hammer P220


New member
Hey guys. Last year I came into two W. German P220's, one with the rounded hammer and one with the spur hammer('92). I converted the rounded hammer to slim grips, pretty straight forward as most of you probably know. Ended up selling that one and keeping the spur hammer. So now I have the spur hammer gun tore apart only to realize the new style hammer strut doesn't work with the spur hammer. I also noticed it doesn't have a hammer return spring like the other one did.

So near as I can figure (being rather unfamiliar with Sig pistols) I need a round hammer, hammer stop, and hammer reset spring. Is there anything else I would need? I already have the new hammer spring, hammer strut and hammer spring seat as well as the grips.

While I'm in here I thought I might as well give the SRT kit a try. Anything I need to change to work with the SRT kit? Any reason I shouldn't do it?

Thanks for the help. I've owned this gun for a year and haven't even shot it yet. Was hoping to finally do that next week but looks like I'll have to hold off at least another week while I wait for parts. Oh well, range is covered in snow anyway.


New member
Well I went ahead and ordered the new hammer, hammer stop, hammer return spring, and SRT kit which includes a sear. I think that's everything I need and I'll report back when the parts come in and I get the gun back together.


New member
I kinda went through the same thing updating a 1986-ish P226 to all the new bits (SRT & E2 grips).

Ended up replacing much of the guts (decocker, sear spring, hammer strut, hammer spring, hammer spring seat).

The result was excellent and I was surprised and impressed at how easy the SIG was to work on.


New member
Yeah, they're pretty easy to work on. The first time I found some step-by-step instructions with pics for dis-assembly but that was a year ago. I pulled them up this time but didn't actually look at them until tried to get the new hammer strut in with the old hammer and it wouldn't go together. There was a pic showing the round hammer engaging with the strut and I realized it was way different.

Wouldn't mind getting some more Sigs down the road, particularly of the W. German variety but it's not super high on my list of priorities. I always liked the way Sigs looked and now I have one so the itch has been more or less scratched. At least as much as it can be for someone like me.
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