Putting 9mm Kurz in a regular 9mm

Garand Illusion

New member
I need to work on trigger control, so I went out and bought some snap caps. Couldn't really afford all the sizes I need, so I just bought .380 (9mm kurz) and .38 sp.

Kind of like I figured, however, the .380's work just fine in my 9mm. They don't always eject all the way out of the gun (but they are grabbed and pulled back, and sometimes flip out), but the ejector grabs the rim and they feed fine out of the mag.

Anybody think of a reason not to do this?

It's gotten me to thinking, though ... anybody ever tried this with live ammo? Putting .380 into a standard 9mm?


New member
I wouldn't try it with live ammo. Semi-auto's are suppose to headspace on the case mouth, by putting a shorter round in you are headspaceing on the extractor. Also a 380 won't have the recoil force to operate a 9mm's slide fully. With 9mm ammo so cheap, why bother?
With snap caps you are probably ok, but please don't ever try it with live ammo.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Like Steve said, "I wouldn't do it with live ammo"; but I have heard of some
folks doing this in real life scenarios. Not a good idea, mind you; but it will
work in some firearms.

Best Wishes,


New member
Some handguns can be converted to .22 and back with conversion kits. (the CZ Kadet comes to mind)

Get a .22 slide and learn trigger control with dirt cheap .22 ammo.

Garand Illusion

New member
Thanks guys! Just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing anything stupid. And BTW -- I definitely wouldn't ever put .380's into my 9mm unless it was something widely known to work (like .38's in a .357).

As for .22 conversions ... it's a great idea, but I'm actually happy enough with the price of 9mm. My problem isn't with trigger control overall (give me an AR-15 and I can punch out the X on a regular basis at 200 yds) but with this particular gun. I just need some time sitting in front of the TV, unstressed, safely practicing pulling the trigger while keeping the sites lined up. Then I can take it back to the range.

Thanks again


New member
I wouldn't do it either........but I've even heard of people shooting .45 Glock rounds thru a .45 acp pistol with no problems. Sounds like more risk than reward.


There are a number of combinations where this is possible. In most cases, nothing tragic will happen (unless you're engaged in a gunfight).

However, you're beating the hell out of the chamber lip the cartridge headspaces against. That's a bad idea.

Lion In Winter

New member
"Thanks guys! Just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing anything stupid. And BTW -- I definitely wouldn't ever put .380's into my 9mm unless it was something widely known to work (like .38's in a .357)."

With all due respect and to reply to your statement, it is not smart to do this. You get more gas escaping to the rear, the gun failing to cycle correctly and the slide slamming on a jammed case. Not good for long term service life of the gun.

Having said this, I've done the same sort of thing back when I thought I was "invincible".


New member
The .380acp case is not just a shortened 9mm case. The 9mm case is narrow at the mouth and wider at the base. The difference is only 1/100th of an inch, but it is there. The .380acp case is a straight walled case, measuring 7/1000th of an inch more narrow at the mouth and 17/1000th of an inch more narrow at the base (before the rim) than the 9mm case.

Garand Illusion

New member
With all due respect and to reply to your statement, it is not smart to do this. You get more gas escaping to the rear, the gun failing to cycle correctly and the slide slamming on a jammed case. Not good for long term service life of the gun.

Don't worry lion ... I'm not going to do it and never have. I do put .38's into my .357, of course, but this is considered acceptable.

The only .380 I put into my 9mm is a snap cap, and it works fine for saving my firing pin.


New member
38 specials into a 357 is not considered acceptable, IT WAS DESIGNED THAT WAY. big difference. same with a 44 scho or a 44 russian or a 44 special into a 44 Mag. It was designed that way. get a cartridge book and look this stuff up, barnes cartridges of the world, good place to start, same with any reloading manual, which you should have one of even if you do not reload because you can learn alot about how factory loads are meant to be used from these.


New member
just understand that with th snap cap you're putting strees on the extractor. it will probably be fine but the extractor is holding that snap cap in place not the chamber.